blob: b8bad651165adb29a037d78ab9929040a32bd73b [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file
Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may
be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
specific prior written permission.
This file is automatically generated. Please do NOT modify !!!
#ifndef __FSPMUPD_H__
#define __FSPMUPD_H__
#include <FspUpd.h>
#pragma pack(1)
#include <MemInfoHob.h>
/// The ChipsetInit Info structure provides the information of ME ChipsetInit CRC and BIOS ChipsetInit CRC.
typedef struct {
UINT8 Revision; ///< Chipset Init Info Revision
UINT8 Rsvd[3]; ///< Reserved
UINT16 MeChipInitCrc; ///< 16 bit CRC value of MeChipInit Table
UINT16 BiosChipInitCrc; ///< 16 bit CRC value of PchChipInit Table
/** Fsp M Configuration
typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0040 - Platform Reserved Memory Size
The minimum platform memory size required to pass control into DXE
UINT64 PlatformMemorySize;
/** Offset 0x0048 - SPD Data Length
Length of SPD Data
0x100:256 Bytes, 0x200:512 Bytes, 0x400:1024 Bytes
UINT16 MemorySpdDataLen;
/** Offset 0x004A - Enable above 4GB MMIO resource support
Enable/disable above 4GB MMIO resource support
UINT8 EnableAbove4GBMmio;
/** Offset 0x004B - Enable/Disable CrashLog Device 10
Enable(Default): Enable CPU CrashLog Device 10, Disable: Disable CPU CrashLog
UINT8 CpuCrashLogDevice;
/** Offset 0x004C - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 0 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr000;
/** Offset 0x0050 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 0 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr001;
/** Offset 0x0054 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 1 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr010;
/** Offset 0x0058 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 1 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr011;
/** Offset 0x005C - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 2 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr020;
/** Offset 0x0060 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 2 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr021;
/** Offset 0x0064 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 3 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr030;
/** Offset 0x0068 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 0 Channel 3 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr031;
/** Offset 0x006C - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 0 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr100;
/** Offset 0x0070 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 0 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr101;
/** Offset 0x0074 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 1 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr110;
/** Offset 0x0078 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 1 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr111;
/** Offset 0x007C - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 2 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr120;
/** Offset 0x0080 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 2 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr121;
/** Offset 0x0084 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 3 Dimm 0
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr130;
/** Offset 0x0088 - Memory SPD Pointer Controller 1 Channel 3 Dimm 1
Pointer to SPD data, will be used only when SpdAddressTable SPD Address are marked as 00
UINT32 MemorySpdPtr131;
/** Offset 0x008C - RcompResistor settings
Indicates RcompResistor settings: Board-dependent
UINT16 RcompResistor;
/** Offset 0x008E - RcompTarget settings
RcompTarget settings: board-dependent
UINT16 RcompTarget[5];
/** Offset 0x0098 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 0
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc0Ch0[2];
/** Offset 0x009A - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 1
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc0Ch1[2];
/** Offset 0x009C - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 2
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 2: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc0Ch2[2];
/** Offset 0x009E - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 3
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 3: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc0Ch3[2];
/** Offset 0x00A0 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 0
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc1Ch0[2];
/** Offset 0x00A2 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 1
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc1Ch1[2];
/** Offset 0x00A4 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 2
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 2: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc1Ch2[2];
/** Offset 0x00A6 - Dqs Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 3
Set Dqs mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 3: board-dependent
UINT8 DqsMapCpu2DramMc1Ch3[2];
/** Offset 0x00A8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 0
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc0Ch0[16];
/** Offset 0x00B8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 1
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc0Ch1[16];
/** Offset 0x00C8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 2
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 2: board-dependet
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc0Ch2[16];
/** Offset 0x00D8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 0 CH 3
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 3: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc0Ch3[16];
/** Offset 0x00E8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 0
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 0: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc1Ch0[16];
/** Offset 0x00F8 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 1
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 1: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc1Ch1[16];
/** Offset 0x0108 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 2
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 2: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc1Ch2[16];
/** Offset 0x0118 - Dq Map CPU to DRAM MC 1 CH 3
Set Dq mapping relationship between CPU and DRAM, Channel 3: board-dependent
UINT8 DqMapCpu2DramMc1Ch3[16];
/** Offset 0x0128 - Dqs Pins Interleaved Setting
Indicates DqPinsInterleaved setting: board-dependent
UINT8 DqPinsInterleaved;
/** Offset 0x0129 - Smram Mask
The SMM Regions AB-SEG and/or H-SEG reserved
0: Neither, 1:AB-SEG, 2:H-SEG, 3: Both
UINT8 SmramMask;
/** Offset 0x012A - Ibecc
Enable/Disable Ibecc
UINT8 Ibecc;
/** Offset 0x012B - IbeccOperationMode
In-Band ECC Operation Mode
0:Protect base on address range, 1:Non-protected, 2:All protected
UINT8 IbeccOperationMode;
/** Offset 0x012C - IbeccProtectedRangeEnable
In-Band ECC Protected Region Enable
UINT8 IbeccProtectedRangeEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x0134 - IbeccProtectedRangeBase
IBECC Protected Region Base
UINT32 IbeccProtectedRangeBase[8];
/** Offset 0x0154 - IbeccProtectedRangeMask
IBECC Protected Region Mask
UINT32 IbeccProtectedRangeMask[8];
/** Offset 0x0174 - MRC Fast Boot
Enables/Disable the MRC fast path thru the MRC
UINT8 MrcFastBoot;
/** Offset 0x0175 - Rank Margin Tool per Task
This option enables the user to execute Rank Margin Tool per major training step
in the MRC.
UINT8 RmtPerTask;
/** Offset 0x0176 - Training Trace
This option enables the trained state tracing feature in MRC. This feature will
print out the key training parameters state across major training steps.
UINT8 TrainTrace;
/** Offset 0x0177 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved0;
/** Offset 0x0178 - Tseg Size
Size of SMRAM memory reserved. 0x400000 for Release build and 0x1000000 for Debug build
0x0400000:4MB, 0x01000000:16MB
UINT32 TsegSize;
/** Offset 0x017C - MMIO Size
Size of MMIO space reserved for devices. 0(Default)=Auto, non-Zero=size in MB
UINT16 MmioSize;
/** Offset 0x017E - Probeless Trace
Probeless Trace: 0=Disabled, 1=Enable. Enabling Probeless Trace will reserve 128MB.
This also requires IED to be enabled.
UINT8 ProbelessTrace;
/** Offset 0x017F - Enable SMBus
Enable/disable SMBus controller.
UINT8 SmbusEnable;
/** Offset 0x0180 - Spd Address Tabl
Specify SPD Address table for CH0D0/CH0D1/CH1D0&CH1D1. MemorySpdPtr will be used
if SPD Address is 00
UINT8 SpdAddressTable[16];
/** Offset 0x0190 - Platform Debug Consent
Enabled(All Probes+TraceHub) supports all probes with TraceHub enabled and blocks
Enabled(Low Power) does not support DCI OOB 4-wire and Tracehub is powergated by
default, s0ix is viable\n
Manual:user needs to configure Advanced Debug Settings manually, aimed at advanced users
0:Disabled, 2:Enabled (All Probes+TraceHub), 6:Enable (Low Power), 7:Manual
UINT8 PlatformDebugConsent;
/** Offset 0x0191 - DCI Enable
Determine if to enable DCI debug from host
UINT8 DciEn;
/** Offset 0x0192 - DCI DbC Mode
Disabled: Clear both USB2/3DBCEN; USB2: set USB2DBCEN; USB3: set USB3DBCEN; Both:
Set both USB2/3DBCEN; No Change: Comply with HW value
0:Disabled, 1:USB2 DbC, 2:USB3 DbC, 3:Both, 4:No Change
UINT8 DciDbcMode;
/** Offset 0x0193 - Enable DCI ModPHY Power Gate
UINT8 DciModphyPg;
/** Offset 0x0194 - USB3 Type-C UFP2DFP Kernel/Platform Debug Support
This BIOS option enables kernel and platform debug for USB3 interface over a UFP
Type-C receptacle, select 'No Change' will do nothing to UFP2DFP setting.
0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:No Change
UINT8 DciUsb3TypecUfpDbg;
/** Offset 0x0195 - PCH Trace Hub Mode
Select 'Host Debugger' if Trace Hub is used with host debugger tool or 'Target Debugger'
if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality.
0: Disable, 1: Target Debugger Mode, 2: Host Debugger Mode
UINT8 PchTraceHubMode;
/** Offset 0x0196 - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 0 buffer Size
Specify size of Pch trace memory region 0 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB,
128MB, 256MB, 512MB
0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB
UINT8 PchTraceHubMemReg0Size;
/** Offset 0x0197 - PCH Trace Hub Memory Region 1 buffer Size
Specify size of Pch trace memory region 1 buffer, the size can be 0, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB,
128MB, 256MB, 512MB
0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB
UINT8 PchTraceHubMemReg1Size;
/** Offset 0x0198 - HD Audio DMIC Link Clock Select
Determines DMIC<N> Clock Source. 0: Both, 1: ClkA, 2: ClkB
0: Both, 1: ClkA, 2: ClkB
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClockSelect[2];
/** Offset 0x019A - Disable Tccold Handshake
Disable Tccold Handshake. <b>0: Do Nothing;</b> 1: Disable
UINT8 DisableDynamicTccoldHandshake;
/** Offset 0x019B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved2[4];
/** Offset 0x019F - State of X2APIC_OPT_OUT bit in the DMAR table
0=Disable/Clear, 1=Enable/Set
UINT8 X2ApicOptOut;
/** Offset 0x01A0 - State of DMA_CONTROL_GUARANTEE bit in the DMAR table
0=Disable/Clear, 1=Enable/Set
UINT8 DmaControlGuarantee;
/** Offset 0x01A1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved3[3];
/** Offset 0x01A4 - Base addresses for VT-d function MMIO access
Base addresses for VT-d MMIO access per VT-d engine
UINT32 VtdBaseAddress[9];
/** Offset 0x01C8 - Disable VT-d
0=Enable/FALSE(VT-d enabled), 1=Disable/TRUE (VT-d disabled)
UINT8 VtdDisable;
/** Offset 0x01C9 - Vtd Programming for Igd
1=Enable/TRUE (Igd VT-d Bar programming enabled), 0=Disable/FLASE (Igd VT-d Bar
programming disabled)
UINT8 VtdIgdEnable;
/** Offset 0x01CA - Vtd Programming for Ipu
1=Enable/TRUE (Ipu VT-d Bar programming enabled), 0=Disable/FLASE (Ipu VT-d Bar
programming disabled)
UINT8 VtdIpuEnable;
/** Offset 0x01CB - Vtd Programming for Iop
1=Enable/TRUE (Iop VT-d Bar programming enabled), 0=Disable/FLASE (Iop VT-d Bar
programming disabled)
UINT8 VtdIopEnable;
/** Offset 0x01CC - Vtd Programming for ITbt
UINT8 VtdItbtEnable;
/** Offset 0x01CD - Internal Graphics Pre-allocated Memory
Size of memory preallocated for internal graphics.
0x00:0MB, 0x01:32MB, 0x02:64MB, 0x03:96MB, 0x04:128MB, 0x05:160MB, 0xF0:4MB, 0xF1:8MB,
0xF2:12MB, 0xF3:16MB, 0xF4:20MB, 0xF5:24MB, 0xF6:28MB, 0xF7:32MB, 0xF8:36MB, 0xF9:40MB,
0xFA:44MB, 0xFB:48MB, 0xFC:52MB, 0xFD:56MB, 0xFE:60MB
UINT8 IgdDvmt50PreAlloc;
/** Offset 0x01CE - Internal Graphics
Enable/disable internal graphics.
UINT8 InternalGfx;
/** Offset 0x01CF - Aperture Size
Select the Aperture Size.
0:128 MB, 1:256 MB, 3:512 MB, 7:1024 MB, 15: 2048 MB
UINT8 ApertureSize;
/** Offset 0x01D0 - Board Type
MrcBoardType, Options are 0:Mobile, 1:Desktop1Dpc, 2:Desktop2DpcDaisyChain, 3:Desktop2DpcTeeTopologyAsymmetrical,
4:Desktop2DpcTeeTopology, 5:UltMobile, 7:UP Server
0:Mobile, 1:Desktop1Dpc, 2:Desktop2DpcDaisyChain, 3:Desktop2DpcTeeTopologyAsymmetrical,
4:Desktop2DpcTeeTopology, 5:UltMobile, 7:UP Server
UINT8 UserBd;
/** Offset 0x01D1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved4;
/** Offset 0x01D2 - DDR Frequency Limit
Maximum Memory Frequency Selections in Mhz. Options are 1067, 1333, 1600, 1867,
2133, 2400, 2667, 2933 and 0 for Auto.
1067:1067, 1333:1333, 1600:1600, 1867:1867, 2133:2133, 2400:2400, 2667:2667, 2933:2933, 0:Auto
UINT16 DdrFreqLimit;
/** Offset 0x01D4 - SA GV
System Agent dynamic frequency support and when enabled memory will be training
at four different frequencies.
0:Disabled, 1:FixedPoint0, 2:FixedPoint1, 3:FixedPoint2, 4:FixedPoint3, 5:Enabled
/** Offset 0x01D5 - Memory Test on Warm Boot
Run Base Memory Test on Warm Boot
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 MemTestOnWarmBoot;
/** Offset 0x01D6 - DDR Speed Control
DDR Frequency and Gear control for all SAGV points.
0:Auto, 1:Manual
UINT8 DdrSpeedControl;
/** Offset 0x01D7 - Rank Margin Tool
Enable/disable Rank Margin Tool.
/** Offset 0x01D8 - Controller 0 Channel 0 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 0 Channel 0
UINT8 DisableMc0Ch0;
/** Offset 0x01D9 - Controller 0 Channel 1 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 0 Channel 1
UINT8 DisableMc0Ch1;
/** Offset 0x01DA - Controller 0 Channel 2 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 0 Channel 2
UINT8 DisableMc0Ch2;
/** Offset 0x01DB - Controller 0 Channel 3 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 0 Channel 3
UINT8 DisableMc0Ch3;
/** Offset 0x01DC - Controller 1 Channel 0 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 1 Channel 0
UINT8 DisableMc1Ch0;
/** Offset 0x01DD - Controller 1 Channel 1 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 1 Channel 1
UINT8 DisableMc1Ch1;
/** Offset 0x01DE - Controller 1 Channel 2 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 1 Channel 2
UINT8 DisableMc1Ch2;
/** Offset 0x01DF - Controller 1 Channel 3 DIMM Control
Enable / Disable DIMMs on Controller 1 Channel 3
UINT8 DisableMc1Ch3;
/** Offset 0x01E0 - Scrambler Support
This option enables data scrambling in memory.
UINT8 ScramblerSupport;
/** Offset 0x01E1 - SPD Profile Selected
Select DIMM timing profile. Options are 0:Default SPD Profile, 1:Custom Profile,
2:XMP Profile 1, 3:XMP Profile 2, 4:XMP Profile 3, 5:XMP User Profile 4, 6:XMP
User Profile 5
0:Default SPD Profile, 1:Custom Profile, 2:XMP Profile 1, 3:XMP Profile 2, 4:XMP
Profile 3, 5:XMP User Profile 4, 6:XMP User Profile 5
UINT8 SpdProfileSelected;
/** Offset 0x01E2 - Memory Reference Clock
100MHz, 133MHz.
0:133MHz, 1:100MHz
UINT8 RefClk;
/** Offset 0x01E3 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved5;
/** Offset 0x01E4 - Memory Voltage
DRAM voltage (Vdd) (supply voltage for input buffers and core logic of the DRAM
chips) in millivolts from 0 - default to 1435mv.
UINT16 VddVoltage;
/** Offset 0x01E6 - Memory Ratio
Automatic or the frequency will equal ratio times reference clock. Set to Auto to
recalculate memory timings listed below.
0:Auto, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 9:9, 10:10, 11:11, 12:12, 13:13, 14:14, 15:15
UINT8 Ratio;
/** Offset 0x01E7 - tCL
CAS Latency, 0: AUTO, max: 31. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01E8 - tCWL
Min CAS Write Latency Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 34. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01E9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved6;
/** Offset 0x01EA - tFAW
Min Four Activate Window Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 63. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01EC - tRAS
RAS Active Time, 0: AUTO, max: 64. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01EE - tRCD/tRP
RAS to CAS delay time and Row Precharge delay time, 0: AUTO, max: 63. Only used
if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected == 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01EF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved7;
/** Offset 0x01F0 - tREFI
Refresh Interval, 0: AUTO, max: 65535. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01F2 - tRFC
Min Refresh Recovery Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 1023. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01F4 - tRRD
Min Row Active to Row Active Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 15. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01F5 - tRTP
Min Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 15. DDR4 legal
values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01F6 - tWR
Min Write Recovery Time, 0: AUTO, legal values: 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,
20, 24, 30, 34, 40. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected == 1 (Custom Profile).
0:Auto, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7, 8:8, 10:10, 12:12, 14:14, 16:16, 18:18, 20:20, 24:24, 30:30,
34:34, 40:40
/** Offset 0x01F7 - tWTR
Min Internal Write to Read Command Delay Time, 0: AUTO, max: 28. Only used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.SpdProfileSelected
== 1 (Custom Profile).
/** Offset 0x01F8 - NMode
System command rate, range 0-2, 0 means auto, 1 = 1N, 2 = 2N
UINT8 NModeSupport;
/** Offset 0x01F9 - Enable Intel HD Audio (Azalia)
0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) Azalia controller
UINT8 PchHdaEnable;
/** Offset 0x01FA - Enable PCH ISH Controller
0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) ISH Controller
UINT8 PchIshEnable;
/** Offset 0x01FB - CPU Trace Hub Mode
Select 'Host Debugger' if Trace Hub is used with host debugger tool or 'Target Debugger'
if Trace Hub is used by target debugger software or 'Disable' trace hub functionality.
0: Disable, 1:Target Debugger Mode, 2:Host Debugger Mode
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMode;
/** Offset 0x01FC - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0
CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 0, The avaliable memory size is : 0MB, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB,
128MB, 256MB, 512MB
0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMemReg0Size;
/** Offset 0x01FD - CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1
CPU Trace Hub Memory Region 1. The avaliable memory size is : 0MB, 1MB, 8MB, 64MB,
128MB, 256MB, 512MB
0:0, 1:1MB, 2:8MB, 3:64MB, 4:128MB, 5:256MB, 6:512MB
UINT8 CpuTraceHubMemReg1Size;
/** Offset 0x01FE - SAGV Gear Ratio
Gear Selection for SAGV points. 0 - Auto, 1-1 Gear 1, 2-Gear 2
UINT8 SaGvGear[4];
/** Offset 0x0202 - SAGV Frequency
SAGV Frequency per point in Mhz. 0 for Auto and a ratio of 133/100MHz: 1333/1300.
UINT16 SaGvFreq[4];
/** Offset 0x020A - SAGV Disabled Gear Ratio
Gear Selection for SAGV Disabled. 0 - Auto, 1-1 Gear 1, 2-Gear 2
UINT8 GearRatio;
/** Offset 0x020B - HECI Timeouts
0: Disable, 1: Enable (Default) timeout check for HECI
UINT8 HeciTimeouts;
/** Offset 0x020C - HECI1 BAR address
BAR address of HECI1
UINT32 Heci1BarAddress;
/** Offset 0x0210 - HECI2 BAR address
BAR address of HECI2
UINT32 Heci2BarAddress;
/** Offset 0x0214 - HECI3 BAR address
BAR address of HECI3
UINT32 Heci3BarAddress;
/** Offset 0x0218 - HG dGPU Power Delay
HG dGPU delay interval after power enabling: 0=Minimal, 1000=Maximum, default is
300=300 microseconds
UINT16 HgDelayAfterPwrEn;
/** Offset 0x021A - HG dGPU Reset Delay
HG dGPU delay interval for Reset complete: 0=Minimal, 1000=Maximum, default is 100=100
UINT16 HgDelayAfterHoldReset;
/** Offset 0x021C - MMIO size adjustment for AUTO mode
Positive number means increasing MMIO size, Negative value means decreasing MMIO
size: 0 (Default)=no change to AUTO mode MMIO size
UINT16 MmioSizeAdjustment;
/** Offset 0x021E - PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom
Select when PCIe ASPM programming will happen in relation to the Oprom. Before(0x0)(Default):
Do PCIe ASPM programming before Oprom, After(0x1): Do PCIe ASPM programming after
Oprom, requires an SMI handler to save/restore ASPM settings during S3 resume
0:Before, 1:After
UINT8 InitPcieAspmAfterOprom;
/** Offset 0x021F - Selection of the primary display device
0=iGFX, 1=PEG, 2=PCIe Graphics on PCH, 3(Default)=AUTO, 4=Hybrid Graphics
0:iGFX, 1:PEG, 2:PCIe Graphics on PCH, 3:AUTO, 4:Hybrid Graphics
UINT8 PrimaryDisplay;
/** Offset 0x0220 - Selection of PSMI Region size
0=32MB, 1=288MB, 2=544MB, 3=800MB, 4=1024MB Default is 0
0:32MB, 1:288MB, 2:544MB, 3:800MB, 4:1024MB
UINT8 PsmiRegionSize;
/** Offset 0x0221 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved8;
/** Offset 0x0222 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved9[2];
/** Offset 0x0224 - Temporary MMIO address for GMADR
Obsolete field now and it has been extended to 64 bit address, used GmAdr64
UINT32 GmAdr;
/** Offset 0x0228 - Temporary MMIO address for GTTMMADR
The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GTTMMADR
Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GttMmAdr
to (GttMmAdr + 2MB MMIO + 6MB Reserved + GttSize). Default is (GmAdr - (2MB MMIO
+ 6MB Reserved + GttSize)) to (GmAdr - 0x1) (Where GttSize = 8MB)
UINT32 GttMmAdr;
/** Offset 0x022C - Selection of iGFX GTT Memory size
1=2MB, 2=4MB, 3=8MB, Default is 3
1:2MB, 2:4MB, 3:8MB
UINT16 GttSize;
/** Offset 0x022E - Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 0
Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 0, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs
UINT8 CpuPcie0Rtd3Gpio[24];
/** Offset 0x0246 - Enable/Disable MRC TXT dependency
When enabled MRC execution will wait for TXT initialization to be done first. Disabled(0x0)(Default):
MRC will not wait for TXT initialization, Enabled(0x1): MRC will wait for TXT initialization
UINT8 TxtImplemented;
/** Offset 0x0247 - Enable/Disable SA OcSupport
Enable: Enable SA OcSupport, Disable(Default): Disable SA OcSupport
UINT8 SaOcSupport;
/** Offset 0x0248 - GT slice Voltage Mode
0(Default): Adaptive, 1: Override
0: Adaptive, 1: Override
UINT8 GtVoltageMode;
/** Offset 0x0249 - Maximum GTs turbo ratio override
0(Default)=Minimal/Auto, 60=Maximum
UINT8 GtMaxOcRatio;
/** Offset 0x024A - The voltage offset applied to GT slice
0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum
UINT16 GtVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x024C - The GT slice voltage override which is applied to the entire range of GT frequencies
0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum
UINT16 GtVoltageOverride;
/** Offset 0x024E - adaptive voltage applied during turbo frequencies
0(Default)=Minimal, 2000=Maximum
UINT16 GtExtraTurboVoltage;
/** Offset 0x0250 - voltage offset applied to the SA
0(Default)=Minimal, 1000=Maximum
UINT16 SaVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x0252 - PCIe root port Function number for Hybrid Graphics dGPU
Root port Index number to indicate which PCIe root port has dGPU
UINT8 RootPortIndex;
/** Offset 0x0253 - Realtime Memory Timing
0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. When enabled, it will allow the system to perform
realtime memory timing changes after MRC_DONE.
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
UINT8 RealtimeMemoryTiming;
/** Offset 0x0254 - iTBT PCIe Multiple Segment setting
UINT8 PcieMultipleSegmentEnabled;
/** Offset 0x0255 - Enable/Disable SA IPU
Enable(Default): Enable SA IPU, Disable: Disable SA IPU
UINT8 SaIpuEnable;
/** Offset 0x0256 - Lane Used of CSI port
Lane Used of each CSI port
1:x1, 2:x2, 3:x3, 4:x4, 8:x8
UINT8 IpuLaneUsed[8];
/** Offset 0x025E - Lane Used of CSI port
Speed of each CSI port
0:Sensor default, 1:<416Mbps, 2:<1.5Gbps, 3:<2Gbps, 4:<2.5Gbps, 5:<4Gbps, 6:>4Gbps
UINT8 CsiSpeed[8];
/** Offset 0x0266 - IMGU CLKOUT Configuration
The configuration of IMGU CLKOUT, 0: Disable;<b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 ImguClkOutEn[6];
/** Offset 0x026C - Enable PCIE RP Mask
Enable/disable PCIE Root Ports. 0: disable, 1: enable. One bit for each port, bit0
for port1, bit1 for port2, and so on.
UINT32 CpuPcieRpEnableMask;
/** Offset 0x0270 - Assertion on Link Down GPIOs
GPIO Assertion on Link Down. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable assertion on Link Down
GPIOs, Enabled(0x1): Enable assertion on Link Down GPIOs
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 CpuPcieRpLinkDownGpios;
/** Offset 0x0271 - Enable ClockReq Messaging
ClockReq Messaging. Disabled(0x0): Disable ClockReq Messaging, Enabled(0x1)(Default):
Enable ClockReq Messaging
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 CpuPcieRpClockReqMsgEnable[3];
/** Offset 0x0274 - PCIE RP Pcie Speed
Determines each PCIE Port speed capability. 0: Auto; 1: Gen1; 2: Gen2; 3: Gen3;
4: Gen4 (see: CPU_PCIE_SPEED).
UINT8 CpuPcieRpPcieSpeed[4];
/** Offset 0x0278 - Selection of PSMI Support On/Off
0(Default) = FALSE, 1 = TRUE. When TRUE, it will allow the PSMI Support
UINT8 GtPsmiSupport;
/** Offset 0x0279 - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-A device
0=Disabled,1(Default)=eDP, 2=MIPI DSI
0:Disabled, 1:eDP, 2:MIPI DSI
UINT8 DdiPortAConfig;
/** Offset 0x027A - Program GPIOs for LFP on DDI port-B device
0(Default)=Disabled,1=eDP, 2=MIPI DSI
0:Disabled, 1:eDP, 2:MIPI DSI
UINT8 DdiPortBConfig;
/** Offset 0x027B - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port A
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortAHpd;
/** Offset 0x027C - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port B
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortBHpd;
/** Offset 0x027D - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port C
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortCHpd;
/** Offset 0x027E - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 1
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort1Hpd;
/** Offset 0x027F - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 2
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort2Hpd;
/** Offset 0x0280 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 3
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort3Hpd;
/** Offset 0x0281 - Enable or disable HPD of DDI port 4
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort4Hpd;
/** Offset 0x0282 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port A
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortADdc;
/** Offset 0x0283 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port B
0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortBDdc;
/** Offset 0x0284 - Enable or disable DDC of DDI port C
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPortCDdc;
/** Offset 0x0285 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 1
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort1Ddc;
/** Offset 0x0286 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 2
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort2Ddc;
/** Offset 0x0287 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 3
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort3Ddc;
/** Offset 0x0288 - Enable DDC setting of DDI Port 4
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 DdiPort4Ddc;
/** Offset 0x0289 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved10[7];
/** Offset 0x0290 - Temporary MMIO address for GMADR
The reference code will use this as Temporary MMIO address space to access GMADR
Registers.Platform should provide conflict free Temporary MMIO Range: GmAdr to
(GmAdr + ApertureSize). Default is (PciExpressBaseAddress - ApertureSize) to (PciExpressBaseAddress
- 0x1) (Where ApertureSize = 256MB, 512MB, 1024MB and 2048MB)
UINT64 GmAdr64;
/** Offset 0x0298 - Per-core HT Disable
Defines the per-core HT disable mask where: 1 - Disable selected logical core HT,
0 - is ignored. Input is in HEX and each bit maps to a logical core. Ex. A value
of '1F' would disable HT for cores 4,3,2,1 and 0. Default is 0, all cores have
HT enabled. Range is 0 - 0x7F for max 8 cores. You can only disable up to MAX_CORE_COUNT - 1.
UINT16 PerCoreHtDisable;
/** Offset 0x029A - SA/Uncore voltage mode
SA/Uncore voltage mode; <b>0: Adaptive</b>; 1: Override.
UINT8 SaVoltageMode;
/** Offset 0x029B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved11;
/** Offset 0x029C - SA/Uncore Voltage Override
The SA/Uncore voltage override applicable when SA/Uncore voltage mode is in Override
mode. Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 SaVoltageOverride;
/** Offset 0x029E - SA/Uncore Extra Turbo voltage
Extra Turbo voltage applicable when SA/Uncore voltage mode is in Adaptive mode.
Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 SaExtraTurboVoltage;
/** Offset 0x02A0 - Thermal Velocity Boost Ratio clipping
0(Default): Disabled, 1: Enabled. This service controls Core frequency reduction
caused by high package temperatures for processors that implement the Intel Thermal
Velocity Boost (TVB) feature
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
UINT8 TvbRatioClipping;
/** Offset 0x02A1 - Thermal Velocity Boost voltage optimization
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled(Default). This service controls thermal based voltage optimizations
for processors that implement the Intel Thermal Velocity Boost (TVB) feature.
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled
UINT8 TvbVoltageOptimization;
/** Offset 0x02A2 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved12;
/** Offset 0x02A3 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved13;
/** Offset 0x02A4 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved14;
/** Offset 0x02A6 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved15;
/** Offset 0x02A8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved16[4];
/** Offset 0x02AC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved17;
/** Offset 0x02AD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved18;
/** Offset 0x02AE - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved19;
/** Offset 0x02AF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved20;
/** Offset 0x02B0 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved21;
/** Offset 0x02B1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved22[96];
/** Offset 0x0311 - Enable Gt CLOS
0(Default)=Disable, 1=Enable
UINT8 GtClosEnable;
/** Offset 0x0312 - DMI Max Link Speed
Auto (Default)(0x0): Maximum possible link speed, Gen1(0x1): Limit Link to Gen1
Speed, Gen2(0x2): Limit Link to Gen2 Speed, Gen3(0x3):Limit Link to Gen3 Speed
0:Auto, 1:Gen1, 2:Gen2, 3:Gen3
UINT8 DmiMaxLinkSpeed;
/** Offset 0x0313 - DMI Equalization Phase 2
DMI Equalization Phase 2. (0x0): Disable phase 2, (0x1): Enable phase 2, (0x2)(Default):
AUTO - Use the current default method
0:Disable phase2, 1:Enable phase2, 2:Auto
UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh2Enable;
/** Offset 0x0314 - DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3
DMI Gen3 Equalization Phase3. Auto(0x0)(Default): Use the current default method,
HwEq(0x1): Use Adaptive Hardware Equalization, SwEq(0x2): Use Adaptive Software
Equalization (Implemented in BIOS Reference Code), Static(0x3): Use the Static
EQs provided in DmiGen3EndPointPreset array for Phase1 AND Phase3 (Instead of just
Phase1), Disabled(0x4): Bypass Equalization Phase 3
0:Auto, 1:HwEq, 2:SwEq, 3:StaticEq, 4:BypassPhase3
UINT8 DmiGen3EqPh3Method;
/** Offset 0x0315 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Static EQ Phase1 programming
Program DMI Gen3 EQ Phase1 Static Presets. Disabled(0x0): Disable EQ Phase1 Static
Presets Programming, Enabled(0x1)(Default): Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming
UINT8 DmiGen3ProgramStaticEq;
/** Offset 0x0316 - DeEmphasis control for DMI
DeEmphasis control for DMI. 0=-6dB, 1(Default)=-3.5 dB
0: -6dB, 1: -3.5dB
UINT8 DmiDeEmphasis;
/** Offset 0x0317 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-9, 8 is default for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3RootPortPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x031F - DMI Gen3 End port preset values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-9, 7 is default for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x0327 - DMI Gen3 End port Hint values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 Hint values per lane. Range: 0-6, 2 is default for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3EndPointHint[8];
/** Offset 0x032F - DMI Gen3 RxCTLEp per-Bundle control
Range: 0-15, 0 is default for each bundle, must be specified based upon platform design
UINT8 DmiGen3RxCtlePeaking[4];
/** Offset 0x0333 - DMI ASPM Configuration:{Combo
Set ASPM Configuration
0:Disabled, 1:L0s, 2:L1, 3:L1L0s
UINT8 DmiAspm;
/** Offset 0x0334 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Hardware Eq
Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 Hardware Eq. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable Hardware Eq,
Enabled(0x1): Enable EQ Phase1 Static Presets Programming
UINT8 DmiHweq;
/** Offset 0x0335 - Enable/Disable CPU DMI GEN3 Phase 23 Bypass
CPU DMI GEN3 Phase 23 Bypass. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable Phase 23 Bypass, Enabled(0x1):
Enable Phase 23 Bypass
UINT8 Gen3EqPhase23Bypass;
/** Offset 0x0336 - Enable/Disable CPU DMI GEN3 Phase 3 Bypass
CPU DMI GEN3 Phase 3 Bypass. Disabled(0x0)(Default): Disable Phase 3 Bypass, Enabled(0x1):
Enable Phase 3 Bypass
UINT8 Gen3EqPhase3Bypass;
/** Offset 0x0337 - Enable/Disable CPU DMI Gen3 EQ Local Transmitter Coefficient Override Enable
Program Gen3 EQ Local Transmitter Coefficient Override. Disabled(0x0)(Default):
Disable Local Transmitter Coefficient Override, Enabled(0x1): Enable Local Transmitter
Coefficient Override
UINT8 Gen3LtcoEnable;
/** Offset 0x0338 - Enable/Disable CPU DMI Gen3 EQ Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override Enable
Program Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override. Disabled(0x0)(Default):
Disable Remote Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override, Enabled(0x1): Enable Remote
Transmitter Coefficient/Preset Override
UINT8 Gen3RtcoRtpoEnable;
/** Offset 0x0339 - DMI Gen3 Transmitter Pre-Cursor Coefficient
Used for programming DMI Gen3 Transmitter Pre-Cursor Coefficient . Range: 0-10,
2 is default for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3Ltcpre[8];
/** Offset 0x0341 - DMI Gen3 Transmitter Post-Cursor Coefficient
Used for programming Transmitter Post-Cursor Coefficient. Range: 0-9, 2 is default
for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3Ltcpo[8];
/** Offset 0x0349 - PCIE Hw Eq Gen3 CoeffList Cm
CPU_PCIE_EQ_PARAM. Coefficient C-1.
UINT8 CpuDmiHwEqGen3CoeffListCm[8];
/** Offset 0x0351 - PCIE Hw Eq Gen3 CoeffList Cp
CPU_PCIE_EQ_PARAM. Coefficient C+1.
UINT8 CpuDmiHwEqGen3CoeffListCp[8];
/** Offset 0x0359 - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3DsPresetEnable
Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3DsPreset. Auto(0x0)(Default): DmiGen3DsPresetEnable,
Manual(0x1): Enable DmiGen3DsPresetEnable
UINT8 DmiGen3DsPresetEnable;
/** Offset 0x035A - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Rx values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 1 is default
for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3DsPortRxPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x0362 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Tx values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 7 is default
for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3DsPortTxPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x036A - Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3UsPresetEnable
Enable/Disable DMI GEN3 DmiGen3UsPreset. Auto(0x0)(Default): DmiGen3UsPresetEnable,
Manual(0x1): Enable DmiGen3UsPresetEnable
UINT8 DmiGen3UsPresetEnable;
/** Offset 0x036B - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Rx values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 7 is default
for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3UsPortRxPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x0373 - DMI Gen3 Root port preset Tx values per lane
Used for programming DMI Gen3 preset values per lane. Range: 0-10, 7 is default
for each lane
UINT8 DmiGen3UsPortTxPreset[8];
/** Offset 0x037B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved23[8];
/** Offset 0x0383 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved24[8];
/** Offset 0x038B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved25;
/** Offset 0x038C - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved26;
/** Offset 0x038D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved27;
/** Offset 0x038E - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved28[8];
/** Offset 0x0396 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved29;
/** Offset 0x0397 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved30;
/** Offset 0x0398 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved31[8];
/** Offset 0x03A0 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved32[8];
/** Offset 0x03A8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved33;
/** Offset 0x03A9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved34[8];
/** Offset 0x03B1 - DMI ASPM Control Configuration:{Combo
Set ASPM Control configuration
0:Disabled, 1:L0s, 2:L1, 3:L1L0s
UINT8 DmiAspmCtrl;
/** Offset 0x03B2 - DMI ASPM L1 exit Latency
Range: 0-7, 4 is default L1 exit Latency
UINT8 DmiAspmL1ExitLatency;
/** Offset 0x03B3 - BIST on Reset
Enable or Disable BIST on Reset; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 BistOnReset;
/** Offset 0x03B4 - Skip Stop PBET Timer Enable/Disable
Skip Stop PBET Timer; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
UINT8 SkipStopPbet;
/** Offset 0x03B5 - C6DRAM power gating feature
This policy indicates whether or not BIOS should allocate PRMRR memory for C6DRAM
power gating feature.- 0: Don't allocate any PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating
feature.- <b>1: Allocate PRMRR memory for C6DRAM power gating feature</b>.
UINT8 EnableC6Dram;
/** Offset 0x03B6 - Over clocking support
Over clocking support; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable
UINT8 OcSupport;
/** Offset 0x03B7 - Over clocking Lock
Over clocking Lock Enable/Disable; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
UINT8 OcLock;
/** Offset 0x03B8 - Maximum Core Turbo Ratio Override
Maximum core turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU core frequency beyond the
fused max turbo ratio limit. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0-85
UINT8 CoreMaxOcRatio;
/** Offset 0x03B9 - Core voltage mode
Core voltage mode; <b>0: Adaptive</b>; 1: Override.
UINT8 CoreVoltageMode;
/** Offset 0x03BA - Maximum clr turbo ratio override
Maximum clr turbo ratio override allows to increase CPU clr frequency beyond the
fused max turbo ratio limit. <b>0: Hardware defaults.</b> Range: 0-85
UINT8 RingMaxOcRatio;
/** Offset 0x03BB - Hyper Threading Enable/Disable
Enable or Disable Hyper Threading; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>
UINT8 HyperThreading;
/** Offset 0x03BC - Enable or Disable CPU Ratio Override
Enable or Disable CPU Ratio Override; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 CpuRatioOverride;
/** Offset 0x03BD - CPU ratio value
CPU ratio value. Valid Range 0 to 63
UINT8 CpuRatio;
/** Offset 0x03BE - Boot frequency
Sets the boot frequency starting from reset vector.- 0: Maximum battery performance.
1: Maximum non-turbo performance. <b>2: Turbo performance </b>
0:0, 1:1, 2:2
UINT8 BootFrequency;
/** Offset 0x03BF - Number of active big cores
Number of active big cores(Depends on Number of big cores). Default 0xFF means to
active all system supported big cores. <b>0xFF: Active all big cores</b>; 0: Disable
all big cores; 1: 1; 2: 2; 3: 3;
0:Disable all big cores, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 0xFF:Active all big cores
UINT8 ActiveCoreCount;
/** Offset 0x03C0 - Processor Early Power On Configuration FCLK setting
<b>0: 800 MHz (ULT/ULX)</b>. <b>1: 1 GHz (DT/Halo)</b>. Not supported on ULT/ULX.-
2: 400 MHz. - 3: Reserved
0:800 MHz, 1: 1 GHz, 2: 400 MHz, 3: Reserved
UINT8 FClkFrequency;
/** Offset 0x03C1 - Set JTAG power in C10 and deeper power states
False: JTAG is power gated in C10 state. True: keeps the JTAG power up during C10
and deeper power states for debug purpose. <b>0: False</b>; 1: True.
0: False, 1: True
UINT8 JtagC10PowerGateDisable;
/** Offset 0x03C2 - Enable or Disable VMX
Enable or Disable VMX; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 VmxEnable;
/** Offset 0x03C3 - AVX2 Ratio Offset
0(Default)= No Offset. Range 0 - 31. Specifies number of bins to decrease AVX ratio
vs. Core Ratio. Uses Mailbox MSR 0x150, cmd 0x1B.
UINT8 Avx2RatioOffset;
/** Offset 0x03C4 - AVX3 Ratio Offset
UINT8 Avx3RatioOffset;
/** Offset 0x03C5 - BCLK Adaptive Voltage Enable
When enabled, the CPU V/F curves are aware of BCLK frequency when calculated. </b>0:
Disable;<b> 1: Enable
UINT8 BclkAdaptiveVoltage;
/** Offset 0x03C6 - core voltage override
The core voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu core frequencies.
Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 CoreVoltageOverride;
/** Offset 0x03C8 - Core Turbo voltage Adaptive
Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu core when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.
Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 CoreVoltageAdaptive;
/** Offset 0x03CA - Core Turbo voltage Offset
The voltage offset applied to the core while operating in turbo mode.Valid Range 0 to 1000
UINT16 CoreVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x03CC - Core PLL voltage offset
Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
UINT8 CorePllVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x03CD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved35;
/** Offset 0x03CE - Ring Downbin
Ring Downbin enable/disable. When enabled, CPU will ensure the ring ratio is always
lower than the core ratio.0: Disable; <b>1: Enable.</b>
UINT8 RingDownBin;
/** Offset 0x03CF - Ring voltage mode
Ring voltage mode; <b>0: Adaptive</b>; 1: Override.
UINT8 RingVoltageMode;
/** Offset 0x03D0 - TjMax Offset
TjMax offset.Specified value here is clipped by pCode (125 - TjMax Offset) to support
TjMax in the range of 62 to 115 deg Celsius. Valid Range 10 - 63
UINT8 TjMaxOffset;
/** Offset 0x03D1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved36;
/** Offset 0x03D2 - Ring voltage override
The ring voltage override which is applied to the entire range of cpu ring frequencies.
Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 RingVoltageOverride;
/** Offset 0x03D4 - Ring Turbo voltage Adaptive
Extra Turbo voltage applied to the cpu ring when the cpu is operating in turbo mode.
Valid Range 0 to 2000
UINT16 RingVoltageAdaptive;
/** Offset 0x03D6 - Ring Turbo voltage Offset
The voltage offset applied to the ring while operating in turbo mode. Valid Range 0 to 1000
UINT16 RingVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x03D8 - Enable or Disable TME
Enable or Disable TME; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable.
UINT8 TmeEnable;
/** Offset 0x03D9 - Enable CPU CrashLog
Enable or Disable CPU CrashLog; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 CpuCrashLogEnable;
/** Offset 0x03DA - CPU Run Control
Enable, Disable or Do not configure CPU Run Control; 0: Disable; 1: Enable ; <b>2:
No Change</b>
0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:No Change
UINT8 DebugInterfaceEnable;
/** Offset 0x03DB - CPU Run Control Lock
Lock or Unlock CPU Run Control; 0: Disable; <b>1: Enable</b>.
UINT8 DebugInterfaceLockEnable;
/** Offset 0x03DC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved37;
/** Offset 0x03DD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved38;
/** Offset 0x03DE - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved39;
/** Offset 0x03E0 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved40;
/** Offset 0x03E2 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved41;
/** Offset 0x03E4 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved42[4];
/** Offset 0x03EC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved43[4];
/** Offset 0x03F0 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved44;
/** Offset 0x03F1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved45;
/** Offset 0x03F2 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved46;
/** Offset 0x03F3 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved47;
/** Offset 0x03F4 - Core VF Point Offset Mode
Selects Core Voltage & Frequency Offset mode between Legacy and Selection modes.
In Legacy Mode, setting a global offset for the entire VF curve. In Selection Mode,
setting a selected VF point; <b>0: Legacy</b>; 1: Selection.
0:Legacy, 1:Selection
UINT8 CoreVfPointOffsetMode;
/** Offset 0x03F5 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved48[1];
/** Offset 0x03F6 - Core VF Point Offset
Array used to specifies the Core Voltage Offset applied to the each selected VF
Point. This voltage is specified in millivolts.
UINT16 CoreVfPointOffset[15];
/** Offset 0x0414 - Core VF Point Offset Prefix
Sets the CoreVfPointOffset value as positive or negative for corresponding core
VF Point; <b>0: Positive </b>; 1: Negative.
0:Positive, 1:Negative
UINT8 CoreVfPointOffsetPrefix[15];
/** Offset 0x0423 - Core VF Point Ratio
Array for the each selected Core VF Point to display the ration.
UINT8 CoreVfPointRatio[15];
/** Offset 0x0432 - Core VF Point Count
Number of supported Core Voltage & Frequency Point Offset
UINT8 CoreVfPointCount;
/** Offset 0x0433 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved49;
/** Offset 0x0434 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved50[8];
/** Offset 0x0444 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved51[8];
/** Offset 0x044C - Per Core Max Ratio override
Enable or disable Per Core PState OC supported by writing OCMB 0x1D to program new
favored core ratio to each Core. <b>0: Disable</b>, 1: enable
UINT8 PerCoreRatioOverride;
/** Offset 0x044D - Per Core Current Max Ratio
Array for the Per Core Max Ratio
UINT8 PerCoreRatio[8];
/** Offset 0x0455 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved52[4];
/** Offset 0x0459 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved53;
/** Offset 0x045A - Pvd Ratio Threshold
Select PVD Ratio Threshold Value from Range 1 to 40. 0 - Auto/Default.
UINT8 PvdRatioThreshold;
/** Offset 0x045B - Support Unlimited ICCMAX
UINT8 UnlimitedIccMax;
/** Offset 0x045C - Enable CPU CrashLog GPRs dump
Enable or Disable CPU CrashLog GPRs dump; <b>0: Disable</b>; 1: Enable; 2: Only
disable Smm GPRs dump
0:Disabled, 1:Enabled, 2:Only Smm GPRs Disabled
UINT8 CrashLogGprs;
/** Offset 0x045D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved54;
/** Offset 0x045E - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved55[15];
/** Offset 0x047C - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved56[15];
/** Offset 0x048B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved57[15];
/** Offset 0x049A - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved58;
/** Offset 0x049B - BCLK Frequency Source
Clock source of BCLK OC frequency, <b>1:CPU BCLK</b>, 2:PCH BCLK, 3:External CLK
1:CPU BCLK, 2:PCH BCLK, 3:External CLK
UINT8 BclkSource;
/** Offset 0x049C - GPIO Override
Gpio Override Level - FSP will not configure any GPIOs and rely on GPIO setings
before moved to FSP. Available configurations 0: Disable; 1: Level 1 - Skips GPIO
configuration in PEI/FSPM/FSPT phase;2: Level 2 - Reserved for future use
UINT8 GpioOverride;
/** Offset 0x049D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved59[3];
/** Offset 0x04A0 - CPU BCLK OC Frequency
CPU BCLK OC Frequency in 10KHz units increasing. Value 9800 (10KHz) = 98MHz <b>0
- Auto</b>. Range is 8000-50000 (10KHz).
UINT32 CpuBclkOcFrequency;
/** Offset 0x04A4 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved60;
/** Offset 0x04A8 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved61;
/** Offset 0x04AC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved62;
/** Offset 0x04AD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved63;
/** Offset 0x04AE - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved64;
/** Offset 0x04AF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved65;
/** Offset 0x04B0 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved66;
/** Offset 0x04B2 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved67;
/** Offset 0x04B3 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved68;
/** Offset 0x04B4 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved69;
/** Offset 0x04B6 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved70;
/** Offset 0x04B7 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved71;
/** Offset 0x04B8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved72;
/** Offset 0x04B9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved73;
/** Offset 0x04BA - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved74;
/** Offset 0x04BB - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved75;
/** Offset 0x04BC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved76;
/** Offset 0x04BD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved77[3];
/** Offset 0x04C0 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved78;
/** Offset 0x04C4 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved79;
/** Offset 0x04C5 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved80;
/** Offset 0x04C6 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved81[6];
/** Offset 0x04CC - BiosGuard
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, Enable/Disable BIOS Guard feature, 1: enable
UINT8 BiosGuard;
/** Offset 0x04CD
UINT8 BiosGuardToolsInterface;
/** Offset 0x04CE - Txt
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, Enable/Disable Txt feature, 1: enable
UINT8 Txt;
/** Offset 0x04CF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved82;
/** Offset 0x04D0 - PrmrrSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of PrmrrSize , 1: enable
UINT32 PrmrrSize;
/** Offset 0x04D4 - SinitMemorySize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of SinitMemorySize , 1: enable
UINT32 SinitMemorySize;
/** Offset 0x04D8 - TxtDprMemoryBase
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemoryBase , 1: enable
UINT64 TxtDprMemoryBase;
/** Offset 0x04E0 - TxtHeapMemorySize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtHeapMemorySize , 1: enable
UINT32 TxtHeapMemorySize;
/** Offset 0x04E4 - TxtDprMemorySize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtDprMemorySize , 1: enable
UINT32 TxtDprMemorySize;
/** Offset 0x04E8 - BiosAcmBase
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable
UINT32 BiosAcmBase;
/** Offset 0x04EC - BiosAcmSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmSize , 1: enable
UINT32 BiosAcmSize;
/** Offset 0x04F0 - ApStartupBase
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of BiosAcmBase , 1: enable
UINT32 ApStartupBase;
/** Offset 0x04F4 - TgaSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TgaSize , 1: enable
UINT32 TgaSize;
/** Offset 0x04F8 - TxtLcpPdBase
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdBase , 1: enable
UINT64 TxtLcpPdBase;
/** Offset 0x0500 - TxtLcpPdSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TxtLcpPdSize , 1: enable
UINT64 TxtLcpPdSize;
/** Offset 0x0508 - IsTPMPresence
IsTPMPresence default values
UINT8 IsTPMPresence;
/** Offset 0x0509 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved83[32];
/** Offset 0x0529 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle
Enable PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtleEnable[28];
/** Offset 0x0545 - PCH HSIO PCIE Rx Set Ctle Value
PCH PCIe Gen 3 Set CTLE Value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioRxSetCtle[28];
/** Offset 0x0561 - Enble PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 1 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
/** Offset 0x057D - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp[28];
/** Offset 0x0599 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 2 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
/** Offset 0x05B5 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp[28];
/** Offset 0x05D1 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE TX Gen 3 Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable[28];
/** Offset 0x05ED - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 3 TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp[28];
/** Offset 0x0609 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable[28];
/** Offset 0x0625 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 1 TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen1DeEmph[28];
/** Offset 0x0641 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5Enable[28];
/** Offset 0x065D - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -3.5dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph3p5[28];
/** Offset 0x0679 - Enable PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0Enable[28];
/** Offset 0x0695 - PCH HSIO PCIE Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment value
PCH PCIe Gen 2 TX Output -6.0dB De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchPcieHsioTxGen2DeEmph6p0[28];
/** Offset 0x06B1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMagEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x06B9 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen1EqBoostMag[8];
/** Offset 0x06C1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMagEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x06C9 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen2EqBoostMag[8];
/** Offset 0x06D1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment Value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMagEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x06D9 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s Receiver Equalization Boost Magnitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioRxGen3EqBoostMag[8];
/** Offset 0x06E1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x06E9 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DownscaleAmp[8];
/** Offset 0x06F1 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x06F9 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DownscaleAmp[8];
/** Offset 0x0701 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmpEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x0709 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value
PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output Downscale Amplitude Adjustment value.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DownscaleAmp[8];
/** Offset 0x0711 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmphEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x0719 - PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
PCH HSIO SATA 1.5 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen1DeEmph[8];
/** Offset 0x0721 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmphEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x0729 - PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
PCH HSIO SATA 3.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen2DeEmph[8];
/** Offset 0x0731 - Enable PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting value override
0: Disable; 1: Enable.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmphEnable[8];
/** Offset 0x0739 - PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting
PCH HSIO SATA 6.0 Gb/s TX Output De-Emphasis Adjustment Setting.
UINT8 PchSataHsioTxGen3DeEmph[8];
/** Offset 0x0741 - PCH LPC Enhanced Port 80 Decoding
Original LPC only decodes one byte of port 80h.
UINT8 PchLpcEnhancePort8xhDecoding;
/** Offset 0x0742 - PCH Port80 Route
Control where the Port 80h cycles are sent, 0: LPC; 1: PCI.
0:LPC, 1:PCI
UINT8 PchPort80Route;
/** Offset 0x0743 - Enable SMBus ARP support
Enable SMBus ARP support.
UINT8 SmbusArpEnable;
/** Offset 0x0744 - Number of RsvdSmbusAddressTable.
The number of elements in the RsvdSmbusAddressTable.
UINT8 PchNumRsvdSmbusAddresses;
/** Offset 0x0745 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved84;
/** Offset 0x0746 - SMBUS Base Address
SMBUS Base Address (IO space).
UINT16 PchSmbusIoBase;
/** Offset 0x0748 - Enable SMBus Alert Pin
Enable SMBus Alert Pin.
UINT8 PchSmbAlertEnable;
/** Offset 0x0749 - Usage type for ClkSrc
0-23: PCH rootport, 0x40-0x43: PEG port, 0x70:LAN, 0x80: unspecified but in use
(free running), 0xFF: not used
UINT8 PcieClkSrcUsage[18];
/** Offset 0x075B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved85[14];
/** Offset 0x0769 - ClkReq-to-ClkSrc mapping
Number of ClkReq signal assigned to ClkSrc
UINT8 PcieClkSrcClkReq[18];
/** Offset 0x077B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved86[14];
/** Offset 0x0789 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved87[3];
/** Offset 0x078C - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved88[18];
/** Offset 0x07D4 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved89;
/** Offset 0x07D8 - Enable PCIE RP Mask
Enable/disable PCIE Root Ports. 0: disable, 1: enable. One bit for each port, bit0
for port1, bit1 for port2, and so on.
UINT32 PcieRpEnableMask;
/** Offset 0x07DC - VC Type
Virtual Channel Type Select: 0: VC0, 1: VC1.
0: VC0, 1: VC1
UINT8 PchHdaVcType;
/** Offset 0x07DD - Universal Audio Architecture compliance for DSP enabled system
0: Not-UAA Compliant (Intel SST driver supported only), 1: UAA Compliant (HDA Inbox
driver or SST driver supported).
UINT8 PchHdaDspUaaCompliance;
/** Offset 0x07DE - Enable HD Audio Link
Enable/disable HD Audio Link. Muxed with SSP0/SSP1/SNDW1.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkHdaEnable;
/** Offset 0x07DF - Enable HDA SDI lanes
Enable/disable HDA SDI lanes.
UINT8 PchHdaSdiEnable[2];
/** Offset 0x07E1 - HDA Power/Clock Gating (PGD/CGD)
Enable/Disable HD Audio Power and Clock Gating(POR: Enable). 0: PLATFORM_POR, 1:
0: POR, 1: Force Enable, 2: Force Disable
UINT8 PchHdaTestPowerClockGating;
/** Offset 0x07E2 - Enable HD Audio DMIC_N Link
Enable/disable HD Audio DMIC1 link. Muxed with SNDW3.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicEnable[2];
/** Offset 0x07E4 - DMIC<N> ClkA Pin Muxing (N - DMIC number)
Determines DMIC<N> ClkA Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_CLKA_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClkAPinMux[2];
/** Offset 0x07EC - DMIC<N> ClkB Pin Muxing
Determines DMIC<N> ClkA Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_CLKB_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicClkBPinMux[2];
/** Offset 0x07F4 - Enable HD Audio DSP
Enable/disable HD Audio DSP feature.
UINT8 PchHdaDspEnable;
/** Offset 0x07F5 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved90[3];
/** Offset 0x07F8 - DMIC<N> Data Pin Muxing
Determines DMIC<N> Data Pin muxing. See GPIO_*_MUXING_DMIC<N>_DATA_*
UINT32 PchHdaAudioLinkDmicDataPinMux[2];
/** Offset 0x0800 - Enable HD Audio SSP0 Link
Enable/disable HD Audio SSP_N/I2S link. Muxed with HDA. N-number 0-5
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkSspEnable[6];
/** Offset 0x0806 - Enable HD Audio SoundWire#N Link
Enable/disable HD Audio SNDW#N link. Muxed with HDA.
UINT8 PchHdaAudioLinkSndwEnable[4];
/** Offset 0x080A - iDisp-Link Frequency
iDisp-Link Freq (PCH_HDAUDIO_LINK_FREQUENCY enum): 4: 96MHz, 3: 48MHz.
4: 96MHz, 3: 48MHz
UINT8 PchHdaIDispLinkFrequency;
/** Offset 0x080B - iDisp-Link T-mode
iDisp-Link T-Mode (PCH_HDAUDIO_IDISP_TMODE enum): 0: 2T, 2: 4T, 3: 8T, 4: 16T
0: 2T, 2: 4T, 3: 8T, 4: 16T
UINT8 PchHdaIDispLinkTmode;
/** Offset 0x080C - iDisplay Audio Codec disconnection
0: Not disconnected, enumerable, 1: Disconnected SDI, not enumerable.
UINT8 PchHdaIDispCodecDisconnect;
/** Offset 0x080D - CNVi DDR RFI Mitigation
Enable/Disable DDR RFI Mitigation. Default is ENABLE. 0: DISABLE, 1: ENABLE
UINT8 CnviDdrRfim;
/** Offset 0x080E - Debug Interfaces
Debug Interfaces. BIT0-RAM, BIT1-UART, BIT3-USB3, BIT4-Serial IO, BIT5-TraceHub,
BIT2 - Not used.
UINT8 PcdDebugInterfaceFlags;
/** Offset 0x080F - Serial Io Uart Debug Controller Number
Select SerialIo Uart Controller for debug. Note: If UART0 is selected as CNVi BT
Core interface, it cannot be used for debug purpose.
0:SerialIoUart0, 1:SerialIoUart1, 2:SerialIoUart2
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugControllerNumber;
/** Offset 0x0810 - Serial Io Uart Debug Auto Flow
Enables UART hardware flow control, CTS and RTS lines.
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugAutoFlow;
/** Offset 0x0811 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved91[3];
/** Offset 0x0814 - Serial Io Uart Debug BaudRate
Set default BaudRate Supported from 0 - default to 6000000. Recommended values 9600,
19200, 57600, 115200, 460800, 921600, 1500000, 1843200, 3000000, 3686400, 6000000
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugBaudRate;
/** Offset 0x0818 - Serial Io Uart Debug Parity
Set default Parity.
0: DefaultParity, 1: NoParity, 2: EvenParity, 3: OddParity
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugParity;
/** Offset 0x0819 - Serial Io Uart Debug Stop Bits
Set default stop bits.
0: DefaultStopBits, 1: OneStopBit, 2: OneFiveStopBits, 3: TwoStopBits
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugStopBits;
/** Offset 0x081A - Serial Io Uart Debug Data Bits
Set default word length. 0: Default, 5,6,7,8
5:5BITS, 6:6BITS, 7:7BITS, 8:8BITS
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugDataBits;
/** Offset 0x081B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved92;
/** Offset 0x081C - Serial Io Uart Debug Mmio Base
Select SerialIo Uart default MMIO resource in SEC/PEI phase when PcdSerialIoUartMode
= SerialIoUartPci.
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugMmioBase;
/** Offset 0x0820 - ISA Serial Base selection
Select ISA Serial Base address. Default is 0x3F8.
0:0x3F8, 1:0x2F8
UINT8 PcdIsaSerialUartBase;
/** Offset 0x0821 - GT PLL voltage offset
Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
UINT8 GtPllVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x0822 - Ring PLL voltage offset
Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
UINT8 RingPllVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x0823 - System Agent PLL voltage offset
Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
UINT8 SaPllVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x0824 - Memory Controller PLL voltage offset
Core PLL voltage offset. <b>0: No offset</b>. Range 0-15
UINT8 McPllVoltageOffset;
/** Offset 0x0825 - MRC Safe Config
Enables/Disable MRC Safe Config
UINT8 MrcSafeConfig;
/** Offset 0x0826 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 0 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 0. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie0En;
/** Offset 0x0827 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 1 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 1. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie1En;
/** Offset 0x0828 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 2 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 2. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie2En;
/** Offset 0x0829 - TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 3 Enable
Set TCSS Thunderbolt PCIE Root Port 3. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssItbtPcie3En;
/** Offset 0x082A - TCSS USB HOST (xHCI) Enable
Set TCSS XHCI. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled - Must be enabled if xDCI is enabled below
UINT8 TcssXhciEn;
/** Offset 0x082B - TCSS USB DEVICE (xDCI) Enable
Set TCSS XDCI. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled - xHCI must be enabled if xDCI is enabled
UINT8 TcssXdciEn;
/** Offset 0x082C - TCSS DMA0 Enable
Set TCSS DMA0. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssDma0En;
/** Offset 0x082D - TCSS DMA1 Enable
Set TCSS DMA1. 0:Disabled 1:Enabled
UINT8 TcssDma1En;
/** Offset 0x082E - PcdSerialDebugBaudRate
Baud Rate for Serial Debug Messages. 3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200.
3:9600, 4:19200, 6:56700, 7:115200
UINT8 PcdSerialDebugBaudRate;
/** Offset 0x082F - HobBufferSize
Size to set HOB Buffer. 0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value(assuming 63KB
total HOB size).
0:Default, 1: 1 Byte, 2: 1 KB, 3: Max value
UINT8 HobBufferSize;
/** Offset 0x0830 - Early Command Training
Enables/Disable Early Command Training
/** Offset 0x0831 - SenseAmp Offset Training
Enables/Disable SenseAmp Offset Training
/** Offset 0x0832 - Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Early ReadMPR Timing Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0833 - Read MPR Training
Enables/Disable Read MPR Training
/** Offset 0x0834 - Receive Enable Training
Enables/Disable Receive Enable Training
/** Offset 0x0835 - Jedec Write Leveling
Enables/Disable Jedec Write Leveling
/** Offset 0x0836 - Early Write Time Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Early Write Time Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0837 - Early Read Time Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Early Read Time Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0838 - Write Timing Centering 1D
Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 1D
/** Offset 0x0839 - Write Voltage Centering 1D
Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 1D
/** Offset 0x083A - Read Timing Centering 1D
Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 1D
/** Offset 0x083B - Dimm ODT Training
Enables/Disable Dimm ODT Training
/** Offset 0x083C - DIMM RON Training
Enables/Disable DIMM RON Training
/** Offset 0x083D - Write Drive Strength/Equalization 2D
Enables/Disable Write Drive Strength/Equalization 2D
/** Offset 0x083E - Write Slew Rate Training
Enables/Disable Write Slew Rate Training
/** Offset 0x083F - Read ODT Training
Enables/Disable Read ODT Training
/** Offset 0x0840 - Read Equalization Training
Enables/Disable Read Equalization Training
/** Offset 0x0841 - Read Amplifier Training
Enables/Disable Read Amplifier Training
/** Offset 0x0842 - Write Timing Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Write Timing Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0843 - Read Timing Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Read Timing Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0844 - Write Voltage Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Write Voltage Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0845 - Read Voltage Centering 2D
Enables/Disable Read Voltage Centering 2D
/** Offset 0x0846 - Command Voltage Centering
Enables/Disable Command Voltage Centering
/** Offset 0x0847 - Late Command Training
Enables/Disable Late Command Training
/** Offset 0x0848 - Round Trip Latency Training
Enables/Disable Round Trip Latency Training
/** Offset 0x0849 - Turn Around Timing Training
Enables/Disable Turn Around Timing Training
/** Offset 0x084A - Memory Test
Enables/Disable Memory Test
/** Offset 0x084B - DIMM SPD Alias Test
Enables/Disable DIMM SPD Alias Test
/** Offset 0x084C - Receive Enable Centering 1D
Enables/Disable Receive Enable Centering 1D
/** Offset 0x084D - Retrain Margin Check
Enables/Disable Retrain Margin Check
/** Offset 0x084E - Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently
Enables/Disable Write Drive Strength Up/Dn independently
/** Offset 0x084F - ECC Support
Enables/Disable ECC Support
UINT8 EccSupport;
/** Offset 0x0850 - Memory Remap
Enables/Disable Memory Remap
UINT8 RemapEnable;
/** Offset 0x0851 - Rank Interleave support
Enables/Disable Rank Interleave support. NOTE: RI and HORI can not be enabled at
the same time.
UINT8 RankInterleave;
/** Offset 0x0852 - Enhanced Interleave support
Enables/Disable Enhanced Interleave support
UINT8 EnhancedInterleave;
/** Offset 0x0853 - Ch Hash Support
Enable/Disable Channel Hash Support. NOTE: ONLY if Memory interleaved Mode
UINT8 ChHashEnable;
/** Offset 0x0854 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved93;
/** Offset 0x0855 - Extern Therm Status
Enables/Disable Extern Therm Status
UINT8 EnableExtts;
/** Offset 0x0856 - DDR PowerDown and idle counter
Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter(For LPDDR Only)
UINT8 EnablePwrDn;
/** Offset 0x0857 - DDR PowerDown and idle counter
Enables/Disable DDR PowerDown and idle counter(For LPDDR Only)
UINT8 EnablePwrDnLpddr;
/** Offset 0x0858 - SelfRefresh Enable
Enables/Disable SelfRefresh Enable
UINT8 SrefCfgEna;
/** Offset 0x0859 - Throttler CKEMin Defeature
Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature(For LPDDR Only)
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeatLpddr;
/** Offset 0x085A - Throttler CKEMin Defeature
Enables/Disable Throttler CKEMin Defeature
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinDefeat;
/** Offset 0x085B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved94;
/** Offset 0x085C - Exit On Failure (MRC)
Enables/Disable Exit On Failure (MRC)
UINT8 ExitOnFailure;
/** Offset 0x085D - New Features 1 - MRC
New Feature Enabling 1, <b>0:Disable</b>, 1:Enable
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 NewFeatureEnable1;
/** Offset 0x085E - New Features 2 - MRC
New Feature Enabling 2, <b>0:Disable</b>, 1:Enable
0:Disable, 1:Enable
UINT8 NewFeatureEnable2;
/** Offset 0x085F - Duty Cycle Correction Training
Enable/Disable Duty Cycle Correction Training
/** Offset 0x0860 - Read Voltage Centering 1D
Enable/Disable Read Voltage Centering 1D
/** Offset 0x0861 - TxDqTCO Comp Training
Enable/Disable TxDqTCO Comp Training
/** Offset 0x0862 - ClkTCO Comp Training
Enable/Disable ClkTCO Comp Training
/** Offset 0x0863 - CMD Slew Rate Training
Enable/Disable CMD Slew Rate Training
/** Offset 0x0864 - CMD Drive Strength and Tx Equalization
Enable/Disable CMD Drive Strength and Tx Equalization
/** Offset 0x0865 - DIMM CA ODT Training
Enable/Disable DIMM CA ODT Training
/** Offset 0x0866 - TxDqsTCO Comp Training
Enable/Disable TxDqsTCO Comp Training
/** Offset 0x0867 - CMD/CTL Drive Strength Up/Dn 2D
Enable/Disable CMD/CTL Drive Strength Up/Dn 2D
/** Offset 0x0868 - VccDLL Bypass Training
Enable/Disable VccDLL Bypass Training
/** Offset 0x0869 - PanicVttDnLp Training
Enable/Disable PanicVttDnLp Training
/** Offset 0x086A - Read Vref Decap Training*
Enable/Disable Read Vref Decap Training*
/** Offset 0x086B - Vddq Training
Enable/Disable Vddq Training
/** Offset 0x086C - Rank Margin Tool Per Bit
Enable/Disable Rank Margin Tool Per Bit
/** Offset 0x086D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved95;
/** Offset 0x086E - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved96;
/** Offset 0x086F - Select if CLK0 is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
Select if CLK0 is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
UINT8 Ddr4DdpSharedClock;
/** Offset 0x0870 - Select if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
ESelect if ZQ pin is shared between Rank0 and Rank1 in DDR4 DDP
UINT8 Ddr4DdpSharedZq;
/** Offset 0x0871 - Ch Hash Interleaved Bit
Select the BIT to be used for Channel Interleaved mode. NOTE: BIT7 will interlave
the channels at a 2 cacheline granularity, BIT8 at 4 and BIT9 at 8. Default is BIT8
0:BIT6, 1:BIT7, 2:BIT8, 3:BIT9, 4:BIT10, 5:BIT11, 6:BIT12, 7:BIT13
UINT8 ChHashInterleaveBit;
/** Offset 0x0872 - Ch Hash Mask
Set the BIT(s) to be included in the XOR function. NOTE BIT mask corresponds to
BITS [19:6] Default is 0x30CC
UINT16 ChHashMask;
/** Offset 0x0874 - Base reference clock value
Base reference clock value, in Hertz(Default is 100Hz)
100000000:100Hz, 125000000:125Hz, 167000000:167Hz, 250000000:250Hz
UINT32 BClkFrequency;
/** Offset 0x0878 - EPG DIMM Idd3N
Active standby current (Idd3N) in milliamps from datasheet. Must be calculated on
a per DIMM basis. Default is 26
UINT16 Idd3n;
/** Offset 0x087A - EPG DIMM Idd3P
Active power-down current (Idd3P) in milliamps from datasheet. Must be calculated
on a per DIMM basis. Default is 11
UINT16 Idd3p;
/** Offset 0x087C - CMD Normalization
Enable/Disable CMD Normalization
/** Offset 0x087D - Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training
Enable/Disable Early DQ Write Drive Strength and Equalization Training
/** Offset 0x087E - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved97;
/** Offset 0x087F - Idle Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0880 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0881 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0882 - Idle Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0883 - Idle Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0884 - Idle Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0885 - Idle Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0886 - Idle Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
Idle Energy Consumed for 1 clk w/dimm idle/cke on, range[63;0],(10= Def)
UINT8 IdleEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0887 - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0888 - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0889 - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x088A - PowerDown Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x088B - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x088C - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x088D - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x088E - PowerDown Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
PowerDown Energy Consumed w/dimm idle/cke off, range[63;0],(6= Def)
UINT8 PdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x088F - Activate Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0890 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0891 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0892 - Activate Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0893 - Activate Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0894 - Activate Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0895 - Activate Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0896 - Activate Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
Activate Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(172= Def)
UINT8 ActEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0897 - Read Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x0898 - Read Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x0899 - Read Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x089A - Read Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x089B - Read Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x089C - Read Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x089D - Read Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x089E - Read Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
Read Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(212= Def)
UINT8 RdEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x089F - Write Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm0
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x08A0 - Write Energy Mc0Ch0Dimm1
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x08A1 - Write Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm0
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x08A2 - Write Energy Mc0Ch1Dimm1
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc0Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x08A3 - Write Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm0
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x08A4 - Write Energy Mc1Ch0Dimm1
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch0Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x08A5 - Write Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm0
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm0;
/** Offset 0x08A6 - Write Energy Mc1Ch1Dimm1
Write Energy Contribution, range[255;0],(221= Def)
UINT8 WrEnergyMc1Ch1Dimm1;
/** Offset 0x08A7 - Throttler CKEMin Timer
Timer value for CKEMin, range[255;0]. Req'd min of SC_ROUND_T + BYTE_LENGTH (4).
Dfault is 0x00
UINT8 ThrtCkeMinTmr;
/** Offset 0x08A8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved98;
/** Offset 0x08A9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved99;
/** Offset 0x08AA - Rapl Power Floor Ch0
Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh0;
/** Offset 0x08AB - Rapl Power Floor Ch1
Power budget ,range[255;0],(0= 5.3W Def)
UINT8 RaplPwrFlCh1;
/** Offset 0x08AC - Command Rate Support
CMD Rate and Limit Support Option. NOTE: ONLY supported in 1N Mode, Default is 3 CMDs
0:Disable, 5:2 CMDS, 7:3 CMDS, 9:4 CMDS, 11:5 CMDS, 13:6 CMDS, 15:7 CMDS
UINT8 EnCmdRate;
/** Offset 0x08AD - REFRESH_2X_MODE
0- (Default)Disabled 1-iMC enables 2xRef when Warm and Hot 2- iMC enables 2xRef when Hot
0:Disable, 1:Enabled for WARM or HOT, 2:Enabled HOT only
UINT8 Refresh2X;
/** Offset 0x08AE - Energy Performance Gain
Enable/disable(default) Energy Performance Gain.
UINT8 EpgEnable;
/** Offset 0x08AF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved100;
/** Offset 0x08B0 - User Manual Threshold
Disabled: Predefined threshold will be used.\n
Enabled: User Input will be used.
UINT8 UserThresholdEnable;
/** Offset 0x08B1 - User Manual Budget
Disabled: Configuration of memories will defined the Budget value.\n
Enabled: User Input will be used.
UINT8 UserBudgetEnable;
/** Offset 0x08B2 - Power Down Mode
This option controls command bus tristating during idle periods
0x0:No Power Down, 0x1:APD, 0x6:PPD DLL OFF, 0xFF:Auto
UINT8 PowerDownMode;
/** Offset 0x08B3 - Pwr Down Idle Timer
The minimum value should = to the worst case Roundtrip delay + Burst_Length. 0 means
AUTO: 64 for ULX/ULT, 128 for DT/Halo
UINT8 PwdwnIdleCounter;
/** Offset 0x08B4 - Page Close Idle Timeout
This option controls Page Close Idle Timeout
0:Enabled, 1:Disabled
UINT8 DisPgCloseIdleTimeout;
/** Offset 0x08B5 - Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated
Offset 225 LPDDR4: Bitmask of ranks that have CA bus terminated. <b>0x01=Default,
Rank0 is terminating and Rank1 is non-terminating</b>
UINT8 CmdRanksTerminated;
/** Offset 0x08B6 - PcdSerialDebugLevel
Serial Debug Message Level. 0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error & Warnings, 3:Load,
Error, Warnings & Info, 4:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Event, 5:Load, Error, Warnings,
Info & Verbose.
0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error and Warnings, 3:Load Error Warnings and Info, 4:Load
Error Warnings and Info & Event, 5:Load Error Warnings Info and Verbose
UINT8 PcdSerialDebugLevel;
/** Offset 0x08B7 - Safe Mode Support
This option configures the varous items in the IO and MC to be more conservative.(def=Disable)
UINT8 SafeMode;
/** Offset 0x08B8 - Ask MRC to clear memory content
Ask MRC to clear memory content <b>0: Do not Clear Memory;</b> 1: Clear Memory.
UINT8 CleanMemory;
/** Offset 0x08B9 - LpDdrDqDqsReTraining
Enable/Disable TxDqDqs ReTraining for LP4/5 and DDR5
UINT8 LpDdrDqDqsReTraining;
/** Offset 0x08BA - TCSS USB Port Enable
Bitmap for per port enabling
UINT8 UsbTcPortEnPreMem;
/** Offset 0x08BB - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved101;
/** Offset 0x08BC - Post Code Output Port
This option configures Post Code Output Port
UINT16 PostCodeOutputPort;
/** Offset 0x08BE - RMTLoopCount
Specifies the Loop Count to be used during Rank Margin Tool Testing. 0 - AUTO
UINT8 RMTLoopCount;
/** Offset 0x08BF - Enable/Disable SA CRID
Enable: SA CRID, Disable (Default): SA CRID
UINT8 CridEnable;
/** Offset 0x08C0 - WRC Feature
Enable/Disable WRC (Write Cache) feature of IOP. When feature is enabled, supports
IO devices allocating onto the ring and into LLC. WRC is fused on by default.
UINT8 WrcFeatureEnable;
/** Offset 0x08C1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved102[3];
/** Offset 0x08C4 - BCLK RFI Frequency
Bclk RFI Frequency for each SAGV point in Hz units. 98000000Hz = 98MHz <b>0 - No
RFI Tuning</b>. Range is 98Mhz-100Mhz.
UINT32 BclkRfiFreq[4];
/** Offset 0x08D4 - Size of PCIe IMR.
Size of PCIe IMR in megabytes
UINT16 PcieImrSize;
/** Offset 0x08D6 - Enable PCIe IMR
0: Disable(AUTO), 1: Enable
UINT8 PcieImrEnabled;
/** Offset 0x08D7 - Enable PCIe IMR
1: PCH PCIE, 2: SA PCIE. If PCIeImrEnabled is TRUE then this will use to select
the Root port location from PCH PCIe or SA PCIe
UINT8 PcieImrRpLocation;
/** Offset 0x08D8 - Root port number for IMR.
Root port number for IMR.If PCieImrRpLocation is PCH PCIe then select root port
from 0 to 23 and if it is SA PCIe then select root port from 0 to 3
UINT8 PcieImrRpSelection;
/** Offset 0x08D9 - SerialDebugMrcLevel
MRC Serial Debug Message Level. 0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error & Warnings, 3:Load,
Error, Warnings & Info, 4:Load, Error, Warnings, Info & Event, 5:Load, Error, Warnings,
Info & Verbose.
0:Disable, 1:Error Only, 2:Error and Warnings, 3:Load Error Warnings and Info, 4:Load
Error Warnings and Info & Event, 5:Load Error Warnings Info and Verbose
UINT8 SerialDebugMrcLevel;
/** Offset 0x08DA - Ddr4OneDpc
DDR4 1DPC performance feature for 2R DIMMs. Can be enabled on DIMM0 or DIMM1 only,
or on both (default)
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled on DIMM0 only, 2: Enabled on DIMM1 only, 3: Enabled
UINT8 Ddr4OneDpc;
/** Offset 0x08DB - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved103;
/** Offset 0x08DC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved104;
/** Offset 0x08DD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved105;
/** Offset 0x08DE - REFRESH_PANIC_WM
UINT8 RefreshPanicWm;
/** Offset 0x08DF - REFRESH_HP_WM
UINT8 RefreshHpWm;
/** Offset 0x08E0 - Command Pins Mapping
BitMask where bits [3:0] are Controller 0 Channel [3:0] and bits [7:4] are Controller
1 Channel [3:0]. 0 = CCC pin mapping is Ascending, 1 = CCC pin mapping is Descending.
UINT8 Lp5CccConfig;
/** Offset 0x08E1 - Command Pins Mirrored
BitMask where bits [3:0] are Controller 0 Channel [3:0] and bits [7:4] are Controller
1 Channel [3:0]. 0 = No Command Mirror and 1 = Command Mirror.
UINT8 CmdMirror;
/** Offset 0x08E2 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved106;
/** Offset 0x08E3 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved107;
/** Offset 0x08E4 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved108;
/** Offset 0x08E5 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved109;
/** Offset 0x08E6 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved110;
/** Offset 0x08E7 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved111;
/** Offset 0x08E8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved112;
/** Offset 0x08E9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved113;
/** Offset 0x08EA - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved114;
/** Offset 0x08EB - Skip external display device scanning
Enable: Do not scan for external display device, Disable (Default): Scan external
display devices
UINT8 SkipExtGfxScan;
/** Offset 0x08EC - Generate BIOS Data ACPI Table
Enable: Generate BDAT for MRC RMT or SA PCIe data. Disable (Default): Do not generate it
UINT8 BdatEnable;
/** Offset 0x08ED - Lock PCU Thermal Management registers
Lock PCU Thermal Management registers. Enable(Default)=1, Disable=0
UINT8 LockPTMregs;
/** Offset 0x08EE - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved115;
/** Offset 0x08EF - Panel Power Enable
Control for enabling/disabling VDD force bit (Required only for early enabling of
eDP panel). 0=Disable, 1(Default)=Enable
UINT8 PanelPowerEnable;
/** Offset 0x08F0 - BdatTestType
Indicates the type of Memory Training data to populate into the BDAT ACPI table.
0:RMT per Rank, 1:RMT per Bit, 2:Margin2D
UINT8 BdatTestType;
/** Offset 0x08F1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved116[3];
/** Offset 0x08F4 - PMR Size
Size of PMR memory buffer. 0x400000 for normal boot and 0x200000 for S3 boot
UINT32 DmaBufferSize;
/** Offset 0x08F8 - VT-d/IOMMU Boot Policy
BIT0: Enable IOMMU during boot, BIT1: Enable IOMMU when transfer control to OS
UINT8 PreBootDmaMask;
/** Offset 0x08F9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved117;
/** Offset 0x08FA - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved118;
/** Offset 0x08FC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved119;
/** Offset 0x08FD - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved120;
/** Offset 0x08FE - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved121;
/** Offset 0x08FF - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved122[88];
/** Offset 0x0957 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved123;
/** Offset 0x0958 - TotalFlashSize
Enable/Disable. 0: Disable, define default value of TotalFlashSize , 1: enable
UINT16 TotalFlashSize;
/** Offset 0x095A - BiosSize
The size of the BIOS region of the IFWI. Used if FspmUpd->FspmConfig.BiosGuard !=
0. If BiosGuard is enabled, MRC will increase the size of the DPR (DMA Protected
Range) so that a BIOS Update Script can be stored in the DPR.
UINT16 BiosSize;
/** Offset 0x095C - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved124[12];
/** Offset 0x0968 - Smbus dynamic power gating
Disable or Enable Smbus dynamic power gating.
UINT8 SmbusDynamicPowerGating;
/** Offset 0x0969 - Disable and Lock Watch Dog Register
Set 1 to clear WDT status, then disable and lock WDT registers.
UINT8 WdtDisableAndLock;
/** Offset 0x096A - SMBUS SPD Write Disable
Set/Clear Smbus SPD Write Disable. 0: leave SPD Write Disable bit; 1: set SPD Write
Disable bit. For security recommendations, SPD write disable bit must be set.
UINT8 SmbusSpdWriteDisable;
/** Offset 0x096B - Force ME DID Init Status
Test, 0: disable, 1: Success, 2: No Memory in Channels, 3: Memory Init Error, Set
ME DID init stat value
UINT8 DidInitStat;
/** Offset 0x096C - CPU Replaced Polling Disable
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option disables CPU replacement polling loop
UINT8 DisableCpuReplacedPolling;
/** Offset 0x096D - Check HECI message before send
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable message check.
UINT8 DisableMessageCheck;
/** Offset 0x096E - Skip MBP HOB
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable/Disable MOB HOB.
UINT8 SkipMbpHob;
/** Offset 0x096F - HECI2 Interface Communication
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Adds or Removes HECI2 Device from PCI space.
UINT8 HeciCommunication2;
/** Offset 0x0970 - Enable KT device
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Enable or Disable KT device.
UINT8 KtDeviceEnable;
/** Offset 0x0971 - Skip CPU replacement check
Test, 0: disable, 1: enable, Setting this option to skip CPU replacement check
UINT8 SkipCpuReplacementCheck;
/** Offset 0x0972 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved125[2];
/** Offset 0x0974 - Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 1
Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 1, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs
UINT32 CpuPcie1Rtd3Gpio[24];
/** Offset 0x09D4 - Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 2
Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 2, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs
UINT32 CpuPcie2Rtd3Gpio[24];
/** Offset 0x0A34 - Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 3
Hybrid Graphics GPIO information for PEG 3, for Reset, power and wake GPIOs
UINT32 CpuPcie3Rtd3Gpio[24];
/** Offset 0x0A94 - Avx2 Voltage Guardband Scaling Factor
AVX2 Voltage Guardband Scale factor applied to AVX2 workloads. Range is 0-200 in
1/100 units, where a value of 125 would apply a 1.25 scale factor.
UINT8 Avx2VoltageScaleFactor;
/** Offset 0x0A95 - Avx512 Voltage Guardband Scaling Factor
UINT8 Avx512VoltageScaleFactor;
/** Offset 0x0A96 - Serial Io Uart Debug Mode
Select SerialIo Uart Controller mode
0:SerialIoUartDisabled, 1:SerialIoUartPci, 2:SerialIoUartHidden, 3:SerialIoUartCom,
UINT8 SerialIoUartDebugMode;
/** Offset 0x0A97 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved126;
/** Offset 0x0A98 - SerialIoUartDebugRxPinMux - FSPT
Select RX pin muxing for SerialIo UART used for debug
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugRxPinMux;
/** Offset 0x0A9C - SerialIoUartDebugTxPinMux - FSPM
Select TX pin muxing for SerialIo UART used for debug
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugTxPinMux;
/** Offset 0x0AA0 - SerialIoUartDebugRtsPinMux - FSPM
Select SerialIo Uart used for debug Rts pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_UARTx_RTS*
for possible values.
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugRtsPinMux;
/** Offset 0x0AA4 - SerialIoUartDebugCtsPinMux - FSPM
Select SerialIo Uart used for debug Cts pin muxing. Refer to GPIO_*_MUXING_SERIALIO_UARTx_CTS*
for possible values.
UINT32 SerialIoUartDebugCtsPinMux;
/** Offset 0x0AA8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved127;
/** Offset 0x0AA9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved128;
/** Offset 0x0AAA - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved129;
/** Offset 0x0AAC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved130[4];
/** Offset 0x0AB0 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved131;
/** Offset 0x0AB1 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved132;
/** Offset 0x0AB2 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved133[6];
/** Offset 0x0AB8 - Reserved
UINT64 Reserved134;
/** Offset 0x0AC0 - Reserved
UINT64 Reserved135;
/** Offset 0x0AC8 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved136;
/** Offset 0x0ACC - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved137[8];
/** Offset 0x0AD4 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved138;
/** Offset 0x0AD5 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved139[3];
/** Offset 0x0AD8 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved140;
/** Offset 0x0ADC - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved141;
/** Offset 0x0AE0 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved142;
/** Offset 0x0AE2 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved143;
/** Offset 0x0AE4 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved144;
/** Offset 0x0AE6 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved145;
/** Offset 0x0AE7 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved146;
/** Offset 0x0AE8 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved147;
/** Offset 0x0AE9 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved148;
/** Offset 0x0AEA - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved149;
/** Offset 0x0AEB - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved150[5];
/** Offset 0x0AF0 - Reserved
UINT64 Reserved151;
/** Offset 0x0AF8 - Reserved
UINT64 Reserved152;
/** Offset 0x0B00 - Reserved
UINT32 Reserved153;
/** Offset 0x0B04 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved154;
/** Offset 0x0B06 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved155;
/** Offset 0x0B07 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved156;
/** Offset 0x0B08 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved157;
/** Offset 0x0B09 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved158;
/** Offset 0x0B0A - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved159;
/** Offset 0x0B0B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved160;
/** Offset 0x0B0C - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved161;
/** Offset 0x0B0D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved162;
/** Offset 0x0B0E - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved163;
/** Offset 0x0B10 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved164;
/** Offset 0x0B12 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved165;
/** Offset 0x0B14 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved166;
/** Offset 0x0B16 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved167[8];
/** Offset 0x0B1E - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved168[8];
/** Offset 0x0B26 - Reserved
UINT16 Reserved169;
/** Offset 0x0B28 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved170;
/** Offset 0x0B29 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved171;
/** Offset 0x0B2A - LP5 Bank Mode
LP5 Bank Mode. 0: Auto, 1: 8 Bank Mode, 2: 16 Bank Mode, 3: BG Mode, default is 0
0:Auto, 1:8 Bank Mode, 2:16 Bank Mode, 3:BG Mode
UINT8 Lp5BankMode;
/** Offset 0x0B2B - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved172;
/** Offset 0x0B2C - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved173;
/** Offset 0x0B2D - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved174;
/** Offset 0x0B2E - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved175;
/** Offset 0x0B2F - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved176[5];
/** Offset 0x0B34 - Reserved
UINT8 Reserved177[4];
/** Fsp M UPD Configuration
typedef struct {
/** Offset 0x0000
/** Offset 0x0020
/** Offset 0x0040
FSP_M_CONFIG FspmConfig;
/** Offset 0x0B38
UINT8 Rsvd33[6];
/** Offset 0x0B3E
UINT16 UpdTerminator;
#pragma pack()