blob: e2cbb5c0977d679d41a8a5d2a27f264d7b881072 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Data structure and API definitions for a verified boot firmware image.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "rsa.h"
#include "sha.h"
#define ROOT_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM 11 /* RSA 8192 and SHA-512. */
typedef struct FirmwareImage {
uint8_t magic[FIRMWARE_MAGIC_SIZE];
/* Key Header */
uint16_t header_len; /* Length of the header. */
uint16_t sign_algorithm; /* Signature algorithm used by the signing key. */
uint8_t* sign_key; /* Pre-processed public half of signing key. */
uint16_t key_version; /* Key Version# for preventing rollbacks. */
uint8_t header_hash[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE]; /* SHA-512 hash of the header.*/
uint8_t key_signature[RSA8192NUMBYTES]; /* Signature of the header above. */
/* Firmware Preamble. */
uint16_t firmware_version; /* Firmware Version# for preventing rollbacks.*/
uint32_t firmware_len; /* Length of the rest of the R/W firmware data. */
uint8_t preamble[FIRMWARE_PREAMBLE_SIZE]; /* Remaining preamble data.*/
uint8_t* preamble_signature; /* Signature over the preamble. */
/* The firmware signature comes first as it may allow us to parallelize
* the firmware data fetch and RSA public operation.
uint8_t* firmware_signature; /* Signature on [firmware_data]. */
uint8_t* firmware_data; /* Rest of firmware data */
} FirmwareImage;
/* Allocate and return a new FirmwareImage structure. */
FirmwareImage* FirmwareImageNew(void);
/* Deep free the contents of [fw]. */
void FirmwareImageFree(FirmwareImage* fw);
/* Read firmware data from file named [input_file] into [image].
* Returns a filled up FirmwareImage on success, NULL on error.
FirmwareImage* ReadFirmware(const char* input_file,
FirmwareImage* image);
/* Write firmware header from [image] to an open file pointed by the
* file descriptor [fd].
void WriteFirmwareHeader(int fd, FirmwareImage* image);
/* Write firmware preamble from [image] to an open file pointed by the
* file descriptor [fd].
void WriteFirmwarePreamble(int fd, FirmwareImage* image);
/* Write firmware data from [image] into a file named [input_file].
* Return [image] on success, NULL on error.
FirmwareImage* WriteFirmware(const char* input_file,
FirmwareImage* image);
/* Pretty print the contents of [image]. Only headers and metadata information
* is printed.
void PrintFirmware(const FirmwareImage* image);
/* Performs a chained verify of the firmware [image]. If [dev_mode] is
* 0 (inactive), then the [root_key] is used to verify the signature of
* the signing key, else the check is skipped.
* Returns 0 on success, error code on failure.
int VerifyFirmware(const RSAPublicKey* root_key,
const FirmwareImage* image,
const int dev_mode);
/* Error Codes for VerifyFirmware. */
#define VERIFY_MAX 6 /* Generic catch-all. */
char* kVerifyFirmwareErrors[VERIFY_MAX];
/* Maps error codes from VerifyFirmware() to error description. */
char* VerifyErrorString(int error);
/* Helper function to invoke external program to calculate signature on
* [input_file] using private key [key_file] and signature algorithm
* [algorithm].
* Returns the signature. Caller owns the buffer and must Free() it.
uint8_t* SignatureFile(char* input_fie, char* key_file, int algorithm);
/* Add a root key signature to the key header to a firmware image [image]
* using the private root key in file [root_key_file].
* Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int AddKeySignature(FirmwareImage* image, char* root_key_file);
/* Add firmware and preamble signature to a firmware image [image]
* using the private signing key in file [signing_key_file].
* Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int AddFirmwareSignature(FirmwareImage* image, char* signing_key_file,
int algorithm);