blob: 2d36c3102234cd7f7cda98ecc0daa380b1f0fad1 [file] [log] [blame]
// 16bit code to handle keyboard requests.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin O'Connor <>
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
// This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
#include "biosvar.h" // GET_BDA
#include "util.h" // debug_enter
#include "config.h" // CONFIG_*
#include "pic.h" // eoi_pic1
#include "bregs.h" // struct bregs
#include "ps2port.h" // i8042_flush
static void
// Coreboot already does low-level keyboard init.
goto end;
/* flush incoming keys */
int ret = i8042_flush();
if (ret)
// Controller self-test.
u8 param[2];
ret = i8042_command(I8042_CMD_CTL_TEST, param);
if (ret)
if (param[0] != 0x55) {
dprintf(1, "i8042 self test failed (got %x not 0x55)\n", param[0]);
// Controller keyboard test.
ret = i8042_command(I8042_CMD_KBD_TEST, param);
if (ret)
if (param[0] != 0x00) {
dprintf(1, "i8042 keyboard test failed (got %x not 0x00)\n", param[0]);
// Enable keyboard and mouse ports.
ret = i8042_command(I8042_CMD_KBD_ENABLE, NULL);
if (ret)
ret = i8042_command(I8042_CMD_AUX_ENABLE, NULL);
if (ret)
/* ------------------- keyboard side ------------------------*/
/* reset keyboard and self test (keyboard side) */
ret = kbd_command(ATKBD_CMD_RESET_BAT, param);
if (ret != 0 && ret != 2)
if (param[0] != 0xaa) {
dprintf(1, "keyboard self test failed (got %x not 0xaa)\n", param[0]);
/* Disable keyboard */
ret = kbd_command(ATKBD_CMD_RESET_DIS, NULL);
if (ret)
// Keyboard Mode: scan code convert, disable mouse, enable IRQ 1
SET_EBDA(ps2ctr, I8042_CTR_AUXDIS | I8042_CTR_XLATE | I8042_CTR_KBDINT);
/* Enable keyboard */
ret = kbd_command(ATKBD_CMD_ENABLE, NULL);
if (ret)
dprintf(1, "keyboard initialized\n");
dprintf(3, "init keyboard\n");
u16 x = offsetof(struct bios_data_area_s, kbd_buf) - 0x400;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, 0x10);
SET_BDA(kbd_buf_head, x);
SET_BDA(kbd_buf_tail, x);
SET_BDA(kbd_buf_start_offset, x);
, x + FIELD_SIZEOF(struct bios_data_area_s, kbd_buf));
// Enable IRQ1 (handle_09)
static u8
enqueue_key(u8 scan_code, u8 ascii_code)
u16 buffer_start = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_start_offset);
u16 buffer_end = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_end_offset);
u16 buffer_head = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_head);
u16 buffer_tail = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_tail);
u16 temp_tail = buffer_tail;
buffer_tail += 2;
if (buffer_tail >= buffer_end)
buffer_tail = buffer_start;
if (buffer_tail == buffer_head)
return 0;
SET_FARVAR(SEG_BDA, *(u8*)(temp_tail+0x400+0), ascii_code);
SET_FARVAR(SEG_BDA, *(u8*)(temp_tail+0x400+1), scan_code);
SET_BDA(kbd_buf_tail, buffer_tail);
return 1;
static u8
dequeue_key(u8 *scan_code, u8 *ascii_code, u8 incr)
u16 buffer_head;
u16 buffer_tail;
for (;;) {
buffer_head = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_head);
buffer_tail = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_tail);
if (buffer_head != buffer_tail)
if (!incr)
return 0;
*ascii_code = GET_FARVAR(SEG_BDA, *(u8*)(buffer_head+0x400+0));
*scan_code = GET_FARVAR(SEG_BDA, *(u8*)(buffer_head+0x400+1));
if (incr) {
u16 buffer_start = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_start_offset);
u16 buffer_end = GET_BDA(kbd_buf_end_offset);
buffer_head += 2;
if (buffer_head >= buffer_end)
buffer_head = buffer_start;
SET_BDA(kbd_buf_head, buffer_head);
return 1;
// read keyboard input
static void
handle_1600(struct bregs *regs)
u8 scan_code, ascii_code;
dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 1);
if (scan_code != 0 && ascii_code == 0xF0)
ascii_code = 0;
else if (ascii_code == 0xE0)
ascii_code = 0;
regs->ax = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code;
// check keyboard status
static void
handle_1601(struct bregs *regs)
u8 scan_code, ascii_code;
if (!dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 0)) {
regs->flags |= F_ZF;
if (scan_code != 0 && ascii_code == 0xF0)
ascii_code = 0;
else if (ascii_code == 0xE0)
ascii_code = 0;
regs->ax = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code;
regs->flags &= ~F_ZF;
// get shift flag status
static void
handle_1602(struct bregs *regs)
regs->al = GET_BDA(kbd_flag0);
// store key-stroke into buffer
static void
handle_1605(struct bregs *regs)
regs->al = !enqueue_key(regs->ch, regs->cl);
static void
handle_1609(struct bregs *regs)
// bit Bochs Description
// 7 0 reserved
// 6 0 INT 16/AH=20h-22h supported (122-key keyboard support)
// 5 1 INT 16/AH=10h-12h supported (enhanced keyboard support)
// 4 1 INT 16/AH=0Ah supported
// 3 0 INT 16/AX=0306h supported
// 2 0 INT 16/AX=0305h supported
// 1 0 INT 16/AX=0304h supported
// 0 0 INT 16/AX=0300h supported
regs->al = 0x30;
static void
handle_160a(struct bregs *regs)
u8 param[2];
int ret = kbd_command(ATKBD_CMD_GETID, param);
if (ret) {
regs->bx = 0;
regs->bx = (param[1] << 8) | param[0];
// read MF-II keyboard input
static void
handle_1610(struct bregs *regs)
u8 scan_code, ascii_code;
dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 1);
if (scan_code != 0 && ascii_code == 0xF0)
ascii_code = 0;
regs->ax = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code;
// check MF-II keyboard status
static void
handle_1611(struct bregs *regs)
u8 scan_code, ascii_code;
if (!dequeue_key(&scan_code, &ascii_code, 0)) {
regs->flags |= F_ZF;
if (scan_code != 0 && ascii_code == 0xF0)
ascii_code = 0;
regs->ax = (scan_code << 8) | ascii_code;
regs->flags &= ~F_ZF;
// get extended keyboard status
static void
handle_1612(struct bregs *regs)
regs->al = GET_BDA(kbd_flag0);
regs->ah = (GET_BDA(kbd_flag1) & 0x73) | (GET_BDA(kbd_mode) & 0x0c);
//BX_DEBUG_INT16("int16: func 12 sending %04x\n",AX);
static void
handle_166f(struct bregs *regs)
if (regs->al == 0x08)
// unsupported, aka normal keyboard
regs->ah = 2;
// keyboard capability check called by DOS 5.0+ keyb
static void
handle_1692(struct bregs *regs)
// function int16 ah=0x10-0x12 supported
regs->ah = 0x80;
// 122 keys capability check called by DOS 5.0+ keyb
static void
handle_16a2(struct bregs *regs)
// don't change AH : function int16 ah=0x20-0x22 NOT supported
static void
handle_16XX(struct bregs *regs)
static void
u8 shift_flags = (GET_BDA(kbd_flag0) >> 4) & 0x07;
u8 kbd_led = GET_BDA(kbd_led);
u8 led_flags = kbd_led & 0x07;
if (shift_flags == led_flags)
int ret = kbd_command(ATKBD_CMD_SETLEDS, &shift_flags);
if (ret)
// Error
kbd_led = (kbd_led & ~0x07) | shift_flags;
SET_BDA(kbd_led, kbd_led);
// INT 16h Keyboard Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_16(struct bregs *regs)
debug_enter(regs, DEBUG_HDL_16);
switch (regs->ah) {
case 0x00: handle_1600(regs); break;
case 0x01: handle_1601(regs); break;
case 0x02: handle_1602(regs); break;
case 0x05: handle_1605(regs); break;
case 0x09: handle_1609(regs); break;
case 0x0a: handle_160a(regs); break;
case 0x10: handle_1610(regs); break;
case 0x11: handle_1611(regs); break;
case 0x12: handle_1612(regs); break;
case 0x92: handle_1692(regs); break;
case 0xa2: handle_16a2(regs); break;
case 0x6f: handle_166f(regs); break;
default: handle_16XX(regs); break;
#define none 0
#define MAX_SCAN_CODE 0x58
static struct scaninfo {
u16 normal;
u16 shift;
u16 control;
u16 alt;
u8 lock_flags;
} scan_to_scanascii[MAX_SCAN_CODE + 1] = {
{ none, none, none, none, none },
{ 0x011b, 0x011b, 0x011b, 0x0100, none }, /* escape */
{ 0x0231, 0x0221, none, 0x7800, none }, /* 1! */
{ 0x0332, 0x0340, 0x0300, 0x7900, none }, /* 2@ */
{ 0x0433, 0x0423, none, 0x7a00, none }, /* 3# */
{ 0x0534, 0x0524, none, 0x7b00, none }, /* 4$ */
{ 0x0635, 0x0625, none, 0x7c00, none }, /* 5% */
{ 0x0736, 0x075e, 0x071e, 0x7d00, none }, /* 6^ */
{ 0x0837, 0x0826, none, 0x7e00, none }, /* 7& */
{ 0x0938, 0x092a, none, 0x7f00, none }, /* 8* */
{ 0x0a39, 0x0a28, none, 0x8000, none }, /* 9( */
{ 0x0b30, 0x0b29, none, 0x8100, none }, /* 0) */
{ 0x0c2d, 0x0c5f, 0x0c1f, 0x8200, none }, /* -_ */
{ 0x0d3d, 0x0d2b, none, 0x8300, none }, /* =+ */
{ 0x0e08, 0x0e08, 0x0e7f, none, none }, /* backspace */
{ 0x0f09, 0x0f00, none, none, none }, /* tab */
{ 0x1071, 0x1051, 0x1011, 0x1000, 0x40 }, /* Q */
{ 0x1177, 0x1157, 0x1117, 0x1100, 0x40 }, /* W */
{ 0x1265, 0x1245, 0x1205, 0x1200, 0x40 }, /* E */
{ 0x1372, 0x1352, 0x1312, 0x1300, 0x40 }, /* R */
{ 0x1474, 0x1454, 0x1414, 0x1400, 0x40 }, /* T */
{ 0x1579, 0x1559, 0x1519, 0x1500, 0x40 }, /* Y */
{ 0x1675, 0x1655, 0x1615, 0x1600, 0x40 }, /* U */
{ 0x1769, 0x1749, 0x1709, 0x1700, 0x40 }, /* I */
{ 0x186f, 0x184f, 0x180f, 0x1800, 0x40 }, /* O */
{ 0x1970, 0x1950, 0x1910, 0x1900, 0x40 }, /* P */
{ 0x1a5b, 0x1a7b, 0x1a1b, none, none }, /* [{ */
{ 0x1b5d, 0x1b7d, 0x1b1d, none, none }, /* ]} */
{ 0x1c0d, 0x1c0d, 0x1c0a, none, none }, /* Enter */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* L Ctrl */
{ 0x1e61, 0x1e41, 0x1e01, 0x1e00, 0x40 }, /* A */
{ 0x1f73, 0x1f53, 0x1f13, 0x1f00, 0x40 }, /* S */
{ 0x2064, 0x2044, 0x2004, 0x2000, 0x40 }, /* D */
{ 0x2166, 0x2146, 0x2106, 0x2100, 0x40 }, /* F */
{ 0x2267, 0x2247, 0x2207, 0x2200, 0x40 }, /* G */
{ 0x2368, 0x2348, 0x2308, 0x2300, 0x40 }, /* H */
{ 0x246a, 0x244a, 0x240a, 0x2400, 0x40 }, /* J */
{ 0x256b, 0x254b, 0x250b, 0x2500, 0x40 }, /* K */
{ 0x266c, 0x264c, 0x260c, 0x2600, 0x40 }, /* L */
{ 0x273b, 0x273a, none, none, none }, /* ;: */
{ 0x2827, 0x2822, none, none, none }, /* '" */
{ 0x2960, 0x297e, none, none, none }, /* `~ */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* L shift */
{ 0x2b5c, 0x2b7c, 0x2b1c, none, none }, /* |\ */
{ 0x2c7a, 0x2c5a, 0x2c1a, 0x2c00, 0x40 }, /* Z */
{ 0x2d78, 0x2d58, 0x2d18, 0x2d00, 0x40 }, /* X */
{ 0x2e63, 0x2e43, 0x2e03, 0x2e00, 0x40 }, /* C */
{ 0x2f76, 0x2f56, 0x2f16, 0x2f00, 0x40 }, /* V */
{ 0x3062, 0x3042, 0x3002, 0x3000, 0x40 }, /* B */
{ 0x316e, 0x314e, 0x310e, 0x3100, 0x40 }, /* N */
{ 0x326d, 0x324d, 0x320d, 0x3200, 0x40 }, /* M */
{ 0x332c, 0x333c, none, none, none }, /* ,< */
{ 0x342e, 0x343e, none, none, none }, /* .> */
{ 0x352f, 0x353f, none, none, none }, /* /? */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* R Shift */
{ 0x372a, 0x372a, none, none, none }, /* * */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* L Alt */
{ 0x3920, 0x3920, 0x3920, 0x3920, none }, /* space */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* caps lock */
{ 0x3b00, 0x5400, 0x5e00, 0x6800, none }, /* F1 */
{ 0x3c00, 0x5500, 0x5f00, 0x6900, none }, /* F2 */
{ 0x3d00, 0x5600, 0x6000, 0x6a00, none }, /* F3 */
{ 0x3e00, 0x5700, 0x6100, 0x6b00, none }, /* F4 */
{ 0x3f00, 0x5800, 0x6200, 0x6c00, none }, /* F5 */
{ 0x4000, 0x5900, 0x6300, 0x6d00, none }, /* F6 */
{ 0x4100, 0x5a00, 0x6400, 0x6e00, none }, /* F7 */
{ 0x4200, 0x5b00, 0x6500, 0x6f00, none }, /* F8 */
{ 0x4300, 0x5c00, 0x6600, 0x7000, none }, /* F9 */
{ 0x4400, 0x5d00, 0x6700, 0x7100, none }, /* F10 */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* Num Lock */
{ none, none, none, none, none }, /* Scroll Lock */
{ 0x4700, 0x4737, 0x7700, none, 0x20 }, /* 7 Home */
{ 0x4800, 0x4838, none, none, 0x20 }, /* 8 UP */
{ 0x4900, 0x4939, 0x8400, none, 0x20 }, /* 9 PgUp */
{ 0x4a2d, 0x4a2d, none, none, none }, /* - */
{ 0x4b00, 0x4b34, 0x7300, none, 0x20 }, /* 4 Left */
{ 0x4c00, 0x4c35, none, none, 0x20 }, /* 5 */
{ 0x4d00, 0x4d36, 0x7400, none, 0x20 }, /* 6 Right */
{ 0x4e2b, 0x4e2b, none, none, none }, /* + */
{ 0x4f00, 0x4f31, 0x7500, none, 0x20 }, /* 1 End */
{ 0x5000, 0x5032, none, none, 0x20 }, /* 2 Down */
{ 0x5100, 0x5133, 0x7600, none, 0x20 }, /* 3 PgDn */
{ 0x5200, 0x5230, none, none, 0x20 }, /* 0 Ins */
{ 0x5300, 0x532e, none, none, 0x20 }, /* Del */
{ none, none, none, none, none },
{ none, none, none, none, none },
{ 0x565c, 0x567c, none, none, none }, /* \| */
{ 0x8500, 0x8700, 0x8900, 0x8b00, none }, /* F11 */
{ 0x8600, 0x8800, 0x8a00, 0x8c00, none }, /* F12 */
static void
process_key(u8 scancode)
u8 shift_flags = GET_BDA(kbd_flag0);
u8 mf2_flags = GET_BDA(kbd_flag1);
u8 mf2_state = GET_BDA(kbd_mode);
switch (scancode) {
case 0x00:
dprintf(1, "KBD: int09 handler: AL=0\n");
case 0x3a: /* Caps Lock press */
shift_flags ^= 0x40;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
mf2_flags |= 0x40;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0xba: /* Caps Lock release */
mf2_flags &= ~0x40;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0x2a: /* L Shift press */
shift_flags |= 0x02;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0xaa: /* L Shift release */
shift_flags &= ~0x02;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0x36: /* R Shift press */
shift_flags |= 0x01;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0xb6: /* R Shift release */
shift_flags &= ~0x01;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0x1d: /* Ctrl press */
if ((mf2_state & 0x01) == 0) {
shift_flags |= 0x04;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
if (mf2_state & 0x02) {
mf2_state |= 0x04;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, mf2_state);
} else {
mf2_flags |= 0x01;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0x9d: /* Ctrl release */
if ((mf2_state & 0x01) == 0) {
shift_flags &= ~0x04;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
if (mf2_state & 0x02) {
mf2_state &= ~0x04;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, mf2_state);
} else {
mf2_flags &= ~0x01;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0x38: /* Alt press */
shift_flags |= 0x08;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
if (mf2_state & 0x02) {
mf2_state |= 0x08;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, mf2_state);
} else {
mf2_flags |= 0x02;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0xb8: /* Alt release */
shift_flags &= ~0x08;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
if (mf2_state & 0x02) {
mf2_state &= ~0x08;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, mf2_state);
} else {
mf2_flags &= ~0x02;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0x45: /* Num Lock press */
if ((mf2_state & 0x03) == 0) {
mf2_flags |= 0x20;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
shift_flags ^= 0x20;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0xc5: /* Num Lock release */
if ((mf2_state & 0x03) == 0) {
mf2_flags &= ~0x20;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0x46: /* Scroll Lock press */
mf2_flags |= 0x10;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
shift_flags ^= 0x10;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag0, shift_flags);
case 0xc6: /* Scroll Lock release */
mf2_flags &= ~0x10;
SET_BDA(kbd_flag1, mf2_flags);
case 0xe0:
// Extended key
SETBITS_BDA(kbd_mode, 0x02);
case 0xe1:
// Pause key
SETBITS_BDA(kbd_mode, 0x01);
if (scancode & 0x80) {
break; /* toss key releases ... */
if (scancode > MAX_SCAN_CODE) {
dprintf(1, "KBD: int09h_handler(): unknown scancode read: 0x%02x!\n"
, scancode);
u8 asciicode;
struct scaninfo *info = &scan_to_scanascii[scancode];
if (shift_flags & 0x08) { /* ALT */
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->alt);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->alt) >> 8;
} else if (shift_flags & 0x04) { /* CONTROL */
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->control);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->control) >> 8;
} else if ((mf2_state & 0x02) > 0
&& scancode >= 0x47 && scancode <= 0x53) {
/* extended keys handling */
asciicode = 0xe0;
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->normal) >> 8;
} else if (shift_flags & 0x03) { /* LSHIFT + RSHIFT */
/* check if lock state should be ignored
* because a SHIFT key are pressed */
if (shift_flags & GET_VAR(CS, info->lock_flags)) {
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->normal);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->normal) >> 8;
} else {
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->shift);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->shift) >> 8;
} else {
/* check if lock is on */
if (shift_flags & GET_VAR(CS, info->lock_flags)) {
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->shift);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->shift) >> 8;
} else {
asciicode = GET_VAR(CS, info->normal);
scancode = GET_VAR(CS, info->normal) >> 8;
if (scancode==0 && asciicode==0) {
dprintf(1, "KBD: int09h_handler():"
" scancode & asciicode are zero?\n");
enqueue_key(scancode, asciicode);
if ((scancode & 0x7f) != 0x1d) {
mf2_state &= ~0x01;
mf2_state &= ~0x02;
SET_BDA(kbd_mode, mf2_state);
// INT09h : Keyboard Hardware Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
goto done;
// read key from keyboard controller
u8 v = inb(PORT_PS2_STATUS);
if ((v & 0x21) != 0x01) {
dprintf(1, "int09 but no keyboard data.\n");
goto done;
u8 key = inb(PORT_PS2_DATA);
// allow for keyboard intercept
struct bregs tr;
memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(tr)); = key;
tr.ah = 0x4f;
tr.flags = F_CF;
call16_int(0x15, &tr);
if (!(tr.flags & F_CF))
goto done;
key =;