blob: 6b5f1e9f26d34df5a8ed88d6e65d2a9f397f9e66 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Script to check a bios image and report info on it.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin O'Connor <>
# This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
import sys
def main():
# Read in symbols (that are valid)
syms = {}
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
addr, type, sym = line.split()
syms[sym] = int(addr, 16)
c16s = syms['code16_start'] + 0xf0000
c32s = syms['final_code16_start']
if c16s != c32s:
print "Error! 16bit code moved during linking (0x%x vs 0x%x)" % (
c32s, c16s)
sizefree = syms['freespace1_end'] - syms['freespace1_start']
size16 = syms['code16_end'] - syms['code16_start'] - sizefree
size32 = syms['code32_end'] - syms['code32_start']
totalc = size16+size32
tablefree = syms['freespace2_end'] - syms['freespace2_start']
print "16bit size: %d" % size16
print "32bit size: %d" % size32
print "Total size: %d Free space: %d Percent used: %.1f%%" % (
totalc, sizefree
, (totalc / float(size16+size32+sizefree)) * 100.0)
print "BIOS table space: %d" % tablefree
if __name__ == '__main__':