blob: f3909c166654f49bad9d6f45925815221335ef9f [file] [log] [blame]
// 16bit system callbacks
// Copyright (C) 2008 Kevin O'Connor <>
// Copyright (C) 2002 MandrakeSoft S.A.
// This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.
#include "util.h" // irq_restore
#include "biosvar.h" // BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE
#include "ioport.h" // inb
#include "memmap.h" // E820_RAM
// Use PS2 System Control port A to set A20 enable
static inline u8
set_a20(u8 cond)
// get current setting first
u8 newval, oldval = inb(PORT_A20);
if (cond)
newval = oldval | 0x02;
newval = oldval & ~0x02;
outb(newval, PORT_A20);
return (newval & 0x02) != 0;
static void
handle_152400(struct bregs *regs)
static void
handle_152401(struct bregs *regs)
static void
handle_152402(struct bregs *regs)
regs->al = !!(inb(PORT_A20) & 0x20);
static void
handle_152403(struct bregs *regs)
regs->bx = 3;
static void
handle_1524XX(struct bregs *regs)
set_code_fail(regs, RET_EUNSUPPORTED);
static void
handle_1524(struct bregs *regs)
switch (regs->al) {
case 0x00: handle_152400(regs); break;
case 0x01: handle_152401(regs); break;
case 0x02: handle_152402(regs); break;
case 0x03: handle_152403(regs); break;
default: handle_1524XX(regs); break;
// removable media eject
static void
handle_1552(struct bregs *regs)
static void
handle_1587(struct bregs *regs)
// +++ should probably have descriptor checks
// +++ should have exception handlers
u8 prev_a20_enable = set_a20(1); // enable A20 line
// 128K max of transfer on 386+ ???
// source == destination ???
// ES:SI points to descriptor table
// offset use initially comments
// ==============================================
// 00..07 Unused zeros Null descriptor
// 08..0f GDT zeros filled in by BIOS
// 10..17 source ssssssss source of data
// 18..1f dest dddddddd destination of data
// 20..27 CS zeros filled in by BIOS
// 28..2f SS zeros filled in by BIOS
// check for access rights of source & dest here
// Initialize GDT descriptor
SET_SEG(ES, regs->es);
u16 si = regs->si;
u16 base15_00 = (regs->es << 4) + si;
u16 base23_16 = regs->es >> 12;
if (base15_00 < (u16)(regs->es<<4))
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x08+0), 47); // limit 15:00 = 6 * 8bytes/descriptor
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x08+2), base15_00);// base 15:00
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x08+4), base23_16);// base 23:16
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x08+5), 0x93); // access
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x08+6), 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16
// Initialize CS descriptor
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x20+0), 0xffff);// limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x20+2), 0x0000);// base 15:00
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x20+4), 0x000f);// base 23:16
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x20+5), 0x9b); // access
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x20+6), 0x0000);// base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16
// Initialize SS descriptor
u16 ss = GET_SEG(SS);
base15_00 = ss << 4;
base23_16 = ss >> 12;
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x28+0), 0xffff); // limit 15:00 = normal 64K limit
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x28+2), base15_00);// base 15:00
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x28+4), base23_16);// base 23:16
SET_VAR(ES, *(u8 *)(si+0x28+5), 0x93); // access
SET_VAR(ES, *(u16*)(si+0x28+6), 0x0000); // base 31:24/reserved/limit 19:16
u16 count = regs->cx;
asm volatile(
// Load new descriptor tables
"lgdtw %%es:0x8(%%si)\n"
"lidtw %%cs:pmode_IDT_info\n"
// set PE bit in CR0
"movl %%cr0, %%eax\n"
"orb $0x01, %%al\n"
"movl %%eax, %%cr0\n"
// far jump to flush CPU queue after transition to protected mode
"ljmpw $0x0020, $1f\n"
// GDT points to valid descriptor table, now load DS, ES
"movw $0x10, %%ax\n" // 010 000 = 2nd descriptor in table, TI=GDT, RPL=00
"movw %%ax, %%ds\n"
"movw $0x18, %%ax\n" // 011 000 = 3rd descriptor in table, TI=GDT, RPL=00
"movw %%ax, %%es\n"
// move CX words from DS:SI to ES:DI
"xorw %%si, %%si\n"
"xorw %%di, %%di\n"
"rep movsw\n"
// reset PG bit in CR0 ???
"movl %%cr0, %%eax\n"
"andb $0xfe, %%al\n"
"movl %%eax, %%cr0\n"
// far jump to flush CPU queue after transition to real mode
"ljmpw $0xf000, $2f\n"
// restore IDT to normal real-mode defaults
"lidt %%cs:rmode_IDT_info\n"
// Restore %ds (from %ss)
"movw %%ss, %%ax\n"
"movw %%ax, %%ds\n"
: "+c"(count), "+S"(si)
: : "eax", "di", "cc"); // XXX - also clobbers %es
// Get the amount of extended memory (above 1M)
static void
handle_1588(struct bregs *regs)
u32 rs = GET_EBDA(ram_size);
// According to Ralf Brown's interrupt the limit should be 15M,
// but real machines mostly return max. 63M.
if (rs > 64*1024*1024)
regs->ax = 63 * 1024;
regs->ax = (rs - 1*1024*1024) / 1024;
// Device busy interrupt. Called by Int 16h when no key available
static void
handle_1590(struct bregs *regs)
// Interrupt complete. Called by Int 16h when key becomes available
static void
handle_1591(struct bregs *regs)
// keyboard intercept
static void
handle_154f(struct bregs *regs)
static void
handle_15c0(struct bregs *regs)
regs->es = SEG_BIOS;
regs->bx = (u32)&BIOS_CONFIG_TABLE;
static void
handle_15c1(struct bregs *regs)
regs->es = GET_BDA(ebda_seg);
static void
handle_15e801(struct bregs *regs)
// my real system sets ax and bx to 0
// this is confirmed by Ralph Brown list
// but syslinux v1.48 is known to behave
// strangely if ax is set to 0
// = 0;
// regs.u.r16.bx = 0;
u32 rs = GET_EBDA(ram_size);
// Get the amount of extended memory (above 1M)
if (rs > 16*1024*1024) {
// limit to 15M
regs->cx = 15*1024;
// Get the amount of extended memory above 16M in 64k blocks
regs->dx = (rs - 16*1024*1024) / (64*1024);
} else {
regs->cx = (rs - 1*1024*1024) / 1024;
regs->dx = 0;
// Set configured memory equal to extended memory
regs->ax = regs->cx;
regs->bx = regs->dx;
static void
handle_15e820(struct bregs *regs)
int count = GET_EBDA(e820_count);
if (regs->edx != 0x534D4150 || regs->bx >= count) {
set_code_fail(regs, RET_EUNSUPPORTED);
struct e820entry *e = &((struct e820entry *)GET_EBDA(e820_loc))[regs->bx];
memcpy(MAKE_FARPTR(regs->es, regs->di), e, sizeof(*e));
if (regs->bx == count-1)
regs->ebx = 0;
regs->eax = 0x534D4150;
regs->ecx = sizeof(*e);
static void
handle_15e8XX(struct bregs *regs)
set_code_fail(regs, RET_EUNSUPPORTED);
static void
handle_15e8(struct bregs *regs)
switch (regs->al) {
case 0x01: handle_15e801(regs); break;
case 0x20: handle_15e820(regs); break;
default: handle_15e8XX(regs); break;
static void
handle_15XX(struct bregs *regs)
set_code_fail(regs, RET_EUNSUPPORTED);
// INT 15h System Services Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_15(struct bregs *regs)
switch (regs->ah) {
case 0x24: handle_1524(regs); break;
case 0x4f: handle_154f(regs); break;
case 0x52: handle_1552(regs); break;
case 0x53: handle_1553(regs); break;
case 0x83: handle_1583(regs); break;
case 0x86: handle_1586(regs); break;
case 0x87: handle_1587(regs); break;
case 0x88: handle_1588(regs); break;
case 0x90: handle_1590(regs); break;
case 0x91: handle_1591(regs); break;
case 0xc0: handle_15c0(regs); break;
case 0xc1: handle_15c1(regs); break;
case 0xc2: handle_15c2(regs); break;
case 0xe8: handle_15e8(regs); break;
default: handle_15XX(regs); break;
// INT 12h Memory Size Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_12(struct bregs *regs)
regs->ax = GET_BDA(mem_size_kb);
// INT 11h Equipment List Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_11(struct bregs *regs)
regs->ax = GET_BDA(equipment_list_flags);
// INT 05h Print Screen Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_05(struct bregs *regs)
// INT 10h Video Support Service Entry Point
void VISIBLE16
handle_10(struct bregs *regs)
// dont do anything, since the VGA BIOS handles int10h requests
void VISIBLE16
BX_PANIC("NMI Handler called\n");
void VISIBLE16
// clear irq13
// clear interrupt
// legacy nmi call
struct bregs br;
memset(&br, 0, sizeof(br));
call16_int(0x02, &br);