blob: e0501f620a8b0af5a2845fda83f4d957f3caa097 [file] [log] [blame]
# <start-bit> <bit-length> <config> <config-id> <parameter-name>
0 384 r 0 reserved_memory
384 4 r 0 reboot_bits
# leave 3 bits to make checksummed area start byte-aligned
392 1 e 2 boot_option
393 1 e 1 multi_core
394 3 e 3 baud_rate
397 4 e 4 debug_level
# leave 7 bits to make checksummed area end byte-aligned
408 16 h 0 check_sum
#<config-id> <value> <label>
## for multi_core
1 0 Enable
1 1 Disable
## for boot_option
2 0 Fallback
2 1 Normal
## for baud_rate
3 0 115200
3 1 57600
3 2 38400
3 3 19200
3 4 9600
3 5 4800
3 6 2400
3 7 1200
## for debug_level
4 0 Emerg
4 1 Alert
4 2 Crit
4 3 Err
4 4 Warning
4 5 Notice
4 6 Info
4 7 Debug
4 8 Spew
checksum 392 407 408