blob: 689ebc485e84c2bc7c2ffe07ee2bd37a58e4e920 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */
* Pseudo device that contains methods to modify Opregion
* "Mailbox 3 BIOS to Driver Notification"
* The BIOS to Driver Notification mailbox is intended to support
* BIOS to Driver event notification or data storage for BIOS to
* Driver data synchronization purpose.
Device (BOX3)
Name (_ADR, 0)
OperationRegion (OPRG, SystemMemory, ASLS, 0x2000)
Field (OPRG, DWordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
// OpRegion Header
Offset (0x58),
MBOX, 32,
// Mailbox 3
Offset (0x300),
ARDY, 1, /* Offset 0 Driver readiness */
, 31,
ASLC, 32, /* Offset 4 ASLE interrupt command / status */
TCHE, 32, /* Offset 8 Technology enabled indicator */
ALSI, 32, /* Offset 12 Current ALS illuminance reading */
BCLP, 32, /* Offset 16 Backlight britness to set */
PFIT, 32, /* Offset 20 Panel fitting Request */
CBLV, 32, /* Offset 24 Brightness Current State */
* Request back-light brightness change through mailbox 3
* @param Arg0 The brightness level to set in percent
* @Return Zero on success, Ones on failure
* Errors: * ASLS is zero
* * Mailbox 3 support not advertised
* * Driver not loaded or not ready
* * Driver reported an error during ASLE IRQ
Method (XBCM, 1, Serialized)
If (ASLS == 0)
Return (Ones)
If (MBOX & 4 == 0)
Return (Ones)
/* Always keep BCLP up to date, even if driver is not ready.
It requires a full 8-bit brightness value. 255 = 100% */
Local1 = Arg0 * 255 / 100
If (Local1 > 255) {
Local1 = 255
/* also set valid bit */
BCLP = Local1 | 0x80000000
If (ARDY == 0)
Return (Ones)
/* Request back-light change */
ASLC = 0x2
/* Trigger IRQ */
ASLE = 0x1
Local0 = 0x20
While (Local0 > 0)
Sleep (1)
If (ASLC & 2 == 0) {
/* Request has been processed, check status: */
Local1 = (ASLC >> 12) & 3
If (Local1 == 0) {
Return (Zero)
} Else {
Return (Ones)
Return (Ones)
* Pseudo device that contains methods to operate on GTT memory
Device (LEGA)
Name (_ADR, 0)
/* Divide round closest */
Method (DRCL, 2)
Return ((Arg0 + Arg1 / 2) / Arg1)
Method (XBCM, 1, NotSerialized)
BCLV = DRCL (Arg0 * BCLM, 100)
/* Find value closest to BCLV in BRIG (which must be ordered) */
Method (XBQC, 0, NotSerialized)
/* Prevent DivideByZero if backlight control isn't enabled */
If (BCLM == 0)
Return (Zero)
/* Local0: current percentage */
Local0 = DRCL (BCLV * 100, BCLM)
/* Local1: loop index (selectable values start at 2 in BRIG) */
Local1 = 2
While (Local1 < SizeOf (BRIG) - 1) {
/* Local[23]: adjacent values in BRIG */
Local2 = DeRefOf (BRIG[Local1])
Local3 = DeRefOf (BRIG[Local1 + 1])
If (Local0 < Local3) {
If (Local0 < Local2 || Local0 - Local2 < Local3 - Local0) {
Return (Local2)
} Else {
Return (Local3)
/* Didn't find greater/equal value: use the last */
Return (Local3)
Method (XBCM, 1, NotSerialized)
If (^BOX3.XBCM (Arg0) == Ones)
Method (XBQC, 0, NotSerialized)
* Always query the hardware directly. Not all OS drivers
* keep CBLV up to date (one is Linux' i915). Some years
* after that is fixed we can probably use CBLV?
Return (^LEGA.XBQC ())