blob: 038f7604577027ecf6448955e8b1c4f5448086cc [file] [log] [blame]
/* Public Domain Curses */
#include <curspriv.h>
RCSID("$Id: color.c,v 1.83 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")
Name: color
int start_color(void);
int init_pair(short pair, short fg, short bg);
int init_color(short color, short red, short green, short blue);
bool has_colors(void);
bool can_change_color(void);
int color_content(short color, short *red, short *green, short *blue);
int pair_content(short pair, short *fg, short *bg);
int assume_default_colors(int f, int b);
int use_default_colors(void);
int PDC_set_line_color(short color);
To use these routines, start_color() must be called, usually
immediately after initscr(). Colors are always used in pairs,
referred to as color-pairs. A color-pair consists of a
foreground color and a background color. A color-pair is
initialized via init_pair(). After initialization, COLOR_PAIR(n)
can be used like any other video attribute.
start_color() initializes eight basic colors (black, red, green,
yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and two global
variables; COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS (respectively defining the
maximum number of colors and color-pairs the terminal is capable
of displaying).
init_pair() changes the definition of a color-pair. It takes
three arguments: the number of the color-pair to be redefined,
and the new values of the foreground and background colors. The
pair number must be between 0 and COLOR_PAIRS - 1, inclusive.
The foreground and background must be between 0 and COLORS - 1,
inclusive. If the color pair was previously initialized, the
screen is refreshed, and all occurrences of that color-pair are
changed to the new definition.
has_colors() indicates if the terminal supports, and can
maniplulate color. It returns TRUE or FALSE.
can_change_color() indicates if the terminal has the capability
to change the definition of its colors.
pair_content() is used to determine what the colors of a given
color-pair consist of.
assume_default_colors() and use_default_colors() emulate the
ncurses extensions of the same names. assume_default_colors(f,
b) is essentially the same as init_pair(0, f, b) (which isn't
allowed); it redefines the default colors. use_default_colors()
allows the use of -1 as a foreground or background color with
init_pair(), and calls assume_default_colors(-1, -1); -1
represents the foreground or background color that the terminal
had at startup. If the environment variable PDC_ORIGINAL_COLORS
is set at the time start_color() is called, that's equivalent to
calling use_default_colors().
PDC_set_line_color() is used to set the color, globally, for
the color of the lines drawn for the attributes: A_UNDERLINE,
A_OVERLINE, A_LEFTLINE and A_RIGHTLINE. A value of -1 (the
default) indicates that the current foreground color should be
NOTE: COLOR_PAIR() and PAIR_NUMBER() are implemented as macros.
Return Value:
All functions return OK on success and ERR on error, except for
has_colors() and can_change_colors(), which return TRUE or FALSE.
Portability X/Open BSD SYS V
start_color Y - 3.2
init_pair Y - 3.2
init_color Y - 3.2
has_colors Y - 3.2
can_change_color Y - 3.2
color_content Y - 3.2
pair_content Y - 3.2
assume_default_colors - - -
use_default_colors - - -
PDC_set_line_color - - -
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int COLORS = 0;
bool pdc_color_started = FALSE;
/* pair_set[] tracks whether a pair has been set via init_pair() */
static bool pair_set[PDC_COLOR_PAIRS];
static bool default_colors = FALSE;
static short first_col = 0;
int start_color(void)
PDC_LOG(("start_color() - called\n"));
if (SP->mono)
return ERR;
pdc_color_started = TRUE;
PDC_set_blink(FALSE); /* Also sets COLORS, to 8 or 16 */
if (!default_colors && SP->orig_attr && getenv("PDC_ORIGINAL_COLORS"))
default_colors = TRUE;
memset(pair_set, 0, PDC_COLOR_PAIRS);
return OK;
static void _normalize(short *fg, short *bg)
if (*fg == -1)
*fg = SP->orig_attr ? SP->orig_fore : COLOR_WHITE;
if (*bg == -1)
*bg = SP->orig_attr ? SP->orig_back : COLOR_BLACK;
int init_pair(short pair, short fg, short bg)
PDC_LOG(("init_pair() - called: pair %d fg %d bg %d\n", pair, fg, bg));
if (!pdc_color_started || pair < 1 || pair >= COLOR_PAIRS ||
fg < first_col || fg >= COLORS || bg < first_col || bg >= COLORS)
return ERR;
_normalize(&fg, &bg);
/* To allow the PDC_PRESERVE_SCREEN option to work, we only reset
curscr if this call to init_pair() alters a color pair created by
the user. */
if (pair_set[pair])
short oldfg, oldbg;
PDC_pair_content(pair, &oldfg, &oldbg);
if (oldfg != fg || oldbg != bg)
curscr->_clear = TRUE;
PDC_init_pair(pair, fg, bg);
pair_set[pair] = TRUE;
return OK;
bool has_colors(void)
PDC_LOG(("has_colors() - called\n"));
return !(SP->mono);
int init_color(short color, short red, short green, short blue)
PDC_LOG(("init_color() - called\n"));
if (color < 0 || color >= COLORS || !PDC_can_change_color() ||
red < 0 || red > 1000 || green < 0 || green > 1000 ||
blue < 0 || blue > 1000)
return ERR;
return PDC_init_color(color, red, green, blue);
int color_content(short color, short *red, short *green, short *blue)
PDC_LOG(("color_content() - called\n"));
if (color < 0 || color >= COLORS || !red || !green || !blue)
return ERR;
if (PDC_can_change_color())
return PDC_color_content(color, red, green, blue);
/* Simulated values for platforms that don't support palette
changing */
short maxval = (color & 8) ? 1000 : 680;
*red = (color & COLOR_RED) ? maxval : 0;
*green = (color & COLOR_GREEN) ? maxval : 0;
*blue = (color & COLOR_BLUE) ? maxval : 0;
return OK;
bool can_change_color(void)
PDC_LOG(("can_change_color() - called\n"));
return PDC_can_change_color();
int pair_content(short pair, short *fg, short *bg)
PDC_LOG(("pair_content() - called\n"));
if (pair < 0 || pair >= COLOR_PAIRS || !fg || !bg)
return ERR;
return PDC_pair_content(pair, fg, bg);
int assume_default_colors(int f, int b)
PDC_LOG(("assume_default_colors() - called: f %d b %d\n", f, b));
if (f < -1 || f >= COLORS || b < -1 || b >= COLORS)
return ERR;
if (pdc_color_started)
short fg, bg, oldfg, oldbg;
fg = f;
bg = b;
_normalize(&fg, &bg);
PDC_pair_content(0, &oldfg, &oldbg);
if (oldfg != fg || oldbg != bg)
curscr->_clear = TRUE;
PDC_init_pair(0, fg, bg);
return OK;
int use_default_colors(void)
PDC_LOG(("use_default_colors() - called\n"));
default_colors = TRUE;
first_col = -1;
return assume_default_colors(-1, -1);
int PDC_set_line_color(short color)
PDC_LOG(("PDC_set_line_color() - called: %d\n", color));
if (color < -1 || color >= COLORS)
return ERR;
SP->line_color = color;
return OK;
void PDC_init_atrtab(void)
int i;
short fg, bg;
if (pdc_color_started && !default_colors)
fg = bg = -1;
_normalize(&fg, &bg);
for (i = 0; i < PDC_COLOR_PAIRS; i++)
PDC_init_pair(i, fg, bg);