blob: 7eee91f32ba46061ee1a10f1a079f5524b2bde59 [file] [log] [blame]
sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
Running the test with following options:
Number of threads: 1
Doing CPU performance benchmark
Threads started!
Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 10000
Test execution summary:
total time: 32.2030s
total number of events: 10000
total time taken by event execution: 32.1981
per-request statistics:
min: 3.21ms
avg: 3.22ms
max: 7.66ms
approx. 95 percentile: 3.24ms
Threads fairness:
events (avg/stddev): 10000.0000/0.00
execution time (avg/stddev): 32.1981/0.00