Normalize POST initialization function name suffixes.

The POST phase has to invoke many initialization functions, and these
functions can have complex inter-dependencies.  Try to categorize the
functions into 4 classes:

preinit - functions called very early in POST where function ordering
    is very important and the code has limited access to other

init - functions that initialize internal interfaces and standard
    external interfaces.  This code is generally not dependent on
    particular hardware and typically does not communicate directly
    with any hardware devices.

setup - functions which access hardware or are dependent on particular
    hardware or platform devices.

prepboot - functions that finalize internal interfaces and that
    prepare for the boot phase.

This patch attempts to normalize the suffixes - functions that used
_init(), _setup(), _finalize(), or similar that did not follow the
above pattern were renamed.  Other than function name changes, there
should be no code impact to this patch.

Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <>
69 files changed
tree: 507ec4bf6d5885feb915f41807c18c3437ab7d3d
  1. src/
  2. tools/
  3. vgasrc/
  4. .gitignore
  7. Makefile
  9. TODO