Simplify build by manually resolving external symbols in

Enhance tools/ to explicitly set those symbols that
resolve to a different code chunk (eg, 16, 32seg, 32flat).  This
eliminates the need to link the code chunks multiple times.

This patch reduces the dependency on binutils behavior and makes the
build simpler to understand.
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d0ca9a6..5f8c368 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
 import sys
-# Align 'pos' to 'alignbytes' offset
-def alignpos(pos, alignbytes):
-    mask = alignbytes - 1
-    return (pos + mask) & ~mask
 # LD script headers/trailers
 /* DO NOT EDIT!  This is an autogenerated file.  See tools/ */
@@ -21,15 +16,29 @@
+        /* Discard regular data sections to force a link error if
+         * code attempts to access data not marked with VAR16 (or other
+         * appropriate macro)
+         */
+        /DISCARD/ : {
+                *(.text*) *(.data*) *(.bss*) *(.rodata*)
+                *(COMMON) *(.discard*) *(.eh_frame)
+                }
-# 16bit fixed address section fitting
+# Determine section locations
-# Get the maximum start position for a list of sections that end at an
+# Align 'pos' to 'alignbytes' offset
+def alignpos(pos, alignbytes):
+    mask = alignbytes - 1
+    return (pos + mask) & ~mask
+# Determine the final addresses for a list of sections that end at an
 # address.
 def getSectionsStart(sections, endaddr, minalign=1):
     totspace = 0
@@ -37,157 +46,16 @@
         if align > minalign:
             minalign = align
         totspace = alignpos(totspace, align) + size
-    return (endaddr - totspace) / minalign * minalign
-# Write LD script includes for the given sections
-def outSections(file, sections):
-    for size, align, name in sections:
-        file.write("*(%s)\n" % (name,))
-# The 16bit code can't exceed 64K of space.
-MAXPOS = 64*1024
-# Layout the 16bit code.  This ensures sections with fixed offset
-# requirements are placed in the correct location.  It also places the
-# 16bit code as high as possible in the f-segment.
-def doLayout16(sections, outname):
-    textsections = []
-    rodatasections = []
-    datasections = []
-    # fixedsections = [(addr, sectioninfo, extasectionslist), ...]
-    fixedsections = []
-    # canrelocate = [(sectioninfo, list), ...]
-    canrelocate = []
-    # Find desired sections.
-    for section in sections:
-        size, align, name = section
-        if name[:11] == '.fixedaddr.':
-            addr = int(name[11:], 16)
-            fixedsections.append((addr, section, []))
-            if align != 1:
-                print "Error: Fixed section %s has non-zero alignment (%d)" % (
-                    name, align)
-                sys.exit(1)
-        if name[:6] == '.text.':
-            textsections.append(section)
-            canrelocate.append((section, textsections))
-        if name[:17] == '.rodata.__func__.' or name == '.rodata.str1.1':
-            rodatasections.append(section)
-            #canrelocate.append((section, rodatasections))
-        if name[:8] == '.data16.':
-            datasections.append(section)
-            #canrelocate.append((section, datasections))
-    # Find freespace in fixed address area
-    fixedsections.sort()
-    # fixedAddr = [(freespace, sectioninfo), ...]
-    fixedAddr = []
-    for i in range(len(fixedsections)):
-        fixedsectioninfo = fixedsections[i]
-        addr, section, extrasectionslist = fixedsectioninfo
-        if i == len(fixedsections) - 1:
-            nextaddr = MAXPOS
-        else:
-            nextaddr = fixedsections[i+1][0]
-        avail = nextaddr - addr - section[0]
-        fixedAddr.append((avail, fixedsectioninfo))
-    # Attempt to fit other sections into fixed area
-    fixedAddr.sort()
-    canrelocate.sort()
-    totalused = 0
-    for freespace, fixedsectioninfo in fixedAddr:
-        fixedaddr, fixedsection, extrasections = fixedsectioninfo
-        addpos = fixedaddr + fixedsection[0]
-        totalused += fixedsection[0]
-        nextfixedaddr = addpos + freespace
-#        print "Filling section %x uses %d, next=%x, available=%d" % (
-#            fixedaddr, fixedsection[0], nextfixedaddr, freespace)
-        while 1:
-            canfit = None
-            for fixedaddrinfo in canrelocate:
-                fitsection, inlist = fixedaddrinfo
-                fitsize, fitalign, fitname = fitsection
-                if addpos + fitsize > nextfixedaddr:
-                    # Can't fit and nothing else will fit.
-                    break
-                fitnextaddr = alignpos(addpos, fitalign) + fitsize
-#                print "Test %s - %x vs %x" % (
-#                    fitname, fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr)
-                if fitnextaddr > nextfixedaddr:
-                    # This item can't fit.
-                    continue
-                canfit = (fitnextaddr, fixedaddrinfo)
-            if canfit is None:
-                break
-            # Found a section that can fit.
-            fitnextaddr, fixedaddrinfo = canfit
-            canrelocate.remove(fixedaddrinfo)
-            fitsection, inlist = fixedaddrinfo
-            inlist.remove(fitsection)
-            extrasections.append(fitsection)
-            addpos = fitnextaddr
-            totalused += fitsection[0]
-#            print "    Adding %s (size %d align %d) pos=%x avail=%d" % (
-#                fitsection[2], fitsection[0], fitsection[1]
-#                , fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr - fitnextaddr)
-    firstfixed = fixedsections[0][0]
-    # Report stats
-    total = MAXPOS-firstfixed
-    slack = total - totalused
-    print ("Fixed space: 0x%x-0x%x  total: %d  slack: %d"
-           "  Percent slack: %.1f%%" % (
-            firstfixed, MAXPOS, total, slack,
-            (float(slack) / total) * 100.0))
-    # Find start positions
-    text16_start = getSectionsStart(textsections, firstfixed)
-    data16_start = getSectionsStart(rodatasections + datasections, text16_start)
-    # Write header and regular sections
-    output = open(outname, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER + """
-        data16_start = 0x%x ;
-        .data16 data16_start : {
-""" % data16_start)
-    outSections(output, datasections)
-    output.write("code16_rodata = . ;\n")
-    outSections(output, rodatasections)
-    output.write("""
-        }
-        text16_start = 0x%x ;
-        .text16 text16_start : {
-""" % text16_start)
-    outSections(output, textsections)
-    # Write fixed sections
-    for addr, section, extrasections in fixedsections:
-        name = section[2]
-        output.write(". = ( 0x%x - text16_start ) ;\n" % (addr,))
-        output.write("*(%s)\n" % (name,))
-        for extrasection in extrasections:
-            output.write("*(%s)\n" % (extrasection[2],))
-    # Write trailer
-    output.write("""
-                text16_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
-        }
-        /* Discard regular data sections to force a link error if
-         * 16bit code attempts to access data not marked with VAR16
-         */
-        /DISCARD/ : { *(.text*) *(.rodata*) *(.data*) *(.bss*) *(COMMON) }
-    return data16_start
-# 32bit section outputting
+    startaddr = (endaddr - totspace) / minalign * minalign
+    curaddr = startaddr
+    # out = [(addr, sectioninfo), ...]
+    out = []
+    for sectioninfo in sections:
+        size, align, name = sectioninfo
+        curaddr = alignpos(curaddr, align)
+        out.append((curaddr, sectioninfo))
+        curaddr += size
+    return out, startaddr
 # Return the subset of sections with a given name prefix
 def getSectionsPrefix(sections, prefix):
@@ -198,87 +66,241 @@
             out.append((size, align, name))
     return out
+# The 16bit code can't exceed 64K of space.
+BUILD_BIOS_ADDR = 0xf0000
+BUILD_BIOS_SIZE = 0x10000
+# Layout the 16bit code.  This ensures sections with fixed offset
+# requirements are placed in the correct location.  It also places the
+# 16bit code as high as possible in the f-segment.
+def fitSections(sections, fillsections):
+    canrelocate = list(fillsections)
+    # fixedsections = [(addr, sectioninfo), ...]
+    fixedsections = []
+    for sectioninfo in sections:
+        size, align, name = sectioninfo
+        if name[:11] == '.fixedaddr.':
+            addr = int(name[11:], 16)
+            fixedsections.append((addr, sectioninfo))
+            if align != 1:
+                print "Error: Fixed section %s has non-zero alignment (%d)" % (
+                    name, align)
+                sys.exit(1)
+    # Find freespace in fixed address area
+    fixedsections.sort()
+    # fixedAddr = [(freespace, sectioninfo), ...]
+    fixedAddr = []
+    for i in range(len(fixedsections)):
+        fixedsectioninfo = fixedsections[i]
+        addr, section = fixedsectioninfo
+        if i == len(fixedsections) - 1:
+            nextaddr = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE
+        else:
+            nextaddr = fixedsections[i+1][0]
+        avail = nextaddr - addr - section[0]
+        fixedAddr.append((avail, fixedsectioninfo))
+    # Attempt to fit other sections into fixed area
+    extrasections = []
+    fixedAddr.sort()
+    canrelocate.sort()
+    totalused = 0
+    for freespace, fixedsectioninfo in fixedAddr:
+        fixedaddr, fixedsection = fixedsectioninfo
+        addpos = fixedaddr + fixedsection[0]
+        totalused += fixedsection[0]
+        nextfixedaddr = addpos + freespace
+#        print "Filling section %x uses %d, next=%x, available=%d" % (
+#            fixedaddr, fixedsection[0], nextfixedaddr, freespace)
+        while 1:
+            canfit = None
+            for fitsection in canrelocate:
+                fitsize, fitalign, fitname = fitsection
+                if addpos + fitsize > nextfixedaddr:
+                    # Can't fit and nothing else will fit.
+                    break
+                fitnextaddr = alignpos(addpos, fitalign) + fitsize
+#                print "Test %s - %x vs %x" % (
+#                    fitname, fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr)
+                if fitnextaddr > nextfixedaddr:
+                    # This item can't fit.
+                    continue
+                canfit = (fitnextaddr, fitsection)
+            if canfit is None:
+                break
+            # Found a section that can fit.
+            fitnextaddr, fitsection = canfit
+            canrelocate.remove(fitsection)
+            extrasections.append((addpos, fitsection))
+            addpos = fitnextaddr
+            totalused += fitsection[0]
+#            print "    Adding %s (size %d align %d) pos=%x avail=%d" % (
+#                fitsection[2], fitsection[0], fitsection[1]
+#                , fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr - fitnextaddr)
+    firstfixed = fixedsections[0][0]
+    # Report stats
+    total = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE-firstfixed
+    slack = total - totalused
+    print ("Fixed space: 0x%x-0x%x  total: %d  slack: %d"
+           "  Percent slack: %.1f%%" % (
+            firstfixed, BUILD_BIOS_SIZE, total, slack,
+            (float(slack) / total) * 100.0))
+    return fixedsections + extrasections, firstfixed
+def doLayout(sections16, sections32seg, sections32flat):
+    # Determine 16bit positions
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections16, '.text.')
+    rodatasections = (getSectionsPrefix(sections16, '.rodata.str1.1')
+                      + getSectionsPrefix(sections16, '.rodata.__func__.'))
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections16, '.data16.')
+    fixedsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections16, '.fixedaddr.')
+    locs16fixed, firstfixed = fitSections(fixedsections, textsections)
+    prunesections = [i[1] for i in locs16fixed]
+    remsections = [i for i in textsections+rodatasections+datasections
+                   if i not in prunesections]
+    locs16, code16_start = getSectionsStart(remsections, firstfixed)
+    locs16 = locs16 + locs16fixed
+    locs16.sort()
+    # Determine 32seg positions
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32seg, '.text.')
+    rodatasections = (getSectionsPrefix(sections32seg, '.rodata.str1.1')
+                      + getSectionsPrefix(sections32seg, '.rodata.__func__.'))
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32seg, '.data32seg.')
+    locs32seg, code32seg_start = getSectionsStart(
+        textsections + rodatasections + datasections, code16_start)
+    # Determine 32flat positions
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '.text.')
+    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '.rodata')
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '.data.')
+    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '.bss.')
+    locs32flat, code32flat_start = getSectionsStart(
+        textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections
+        , code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, 16)
+    # Print statistics
+    size16 = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE - code16_start
+    size32seg = code16_start - code32seg_start
+    size32flat = code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR - code32flat_start
+    print "16bit size:           %d" % size16
+    print "32bit segmented size: %d" % size32seg
+    print "32bit flat size:      %d" % size32flat
+    return locs16, locs32seg, locs32flat
+# Linker script output
+# Write LD script includes for the given cross references
+def outXRefs(xrefs, finallocs, delta=0):
+    out = ""
+    for symbol, (fileid, section, addr) in xrefs.items():
+        if fileid < 2:
+            addr += delta
+        out += "%s = 0x%x ;\n" % (symbol, finallocs[(fileid, section)] + addr)
+    return out
+# Write LD script includes for the given sections using relative offsets
+def outRelSections(locs, startsym):
+    out = ""
+    for addr, sectioninfo in locs:
+        size, align, name = sectioninfo
+        out += ". = ( 0x%x - %s ) ;\n" % (addr, startsym)
+        if name == '.rodata.str1.1':
+            out += "_rodata = . ;\n"
+        out += "*(%s)\n" % (name,)
+    return out
 # Layout the 32bit segmented code.  This places the code as high as possible.
-def doLayout32seg(sections, outname, endat):
-    # Find sections to output
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.text.')
-    rodatasections = (getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.rodata.str1.1')
-                      + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.rodata.__func__.'))
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.data32seg.')
-    startat = getSectionsStart(
-        textsections + rodatasections + datasections, endat)
+def writeLinkerScripts(locs16, locs32seg, locs32flat
+                       , xref16, xref32seg, xref32flat
+                       , out16, out32seg, out32flat):
+    # Index to final location for each section
+    # finallocs[(fileid, section)] = addr
+    finallocs = {}
+    for fileid, locs in ((0, locs16), (1, locs32seg), (2, locs32flat)):
+        for addr, sectioninfo in locs:
+            finallocs[(fileid, sectioninfo[2])] = addr
-    # Write sections
-    output = open(outname, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER + """
-        code32seg_start = 0x%x ;
-        .text32seg code32seg_start : {
-                freespace_end = . ;
-""" % startat)
+    # Write 16bit linker script
+    code16_start = locs16[0][0]
+    output = open(out16, 'wb')
+    output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(xref16, finallocs) + """
+    code16_start = 0x%x ;
+    .text16 code16_start : {
+""" % (code16_start)
+                 + outRelSections(locs16, 'code16_start')
+                 + """
+    }
+                 + COMMONTRAILER)
+    output.close()
-    outSections(output, textsections)
-    output.write("code32seg_rodata = . ;\n")
-    outSections(output, rodatasections)
-    outSections(output, datasections)
+    # Write 32seg linker script
+    code32seg_start = code16_start
+    if locs32seg:
+        code32seg_start = locs32seg[0][0]
+    output = open(out32seg, 'wb')
+    output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(xref32seg, finallocs) + """
+    code32seg_start = 0x%x ;
+    .text32seg code32seg_start : {
+""" % (code32seg_start)
+                 + outRelSections(locs32seg, 'code32seg_start')
+                 + """
+    }
+                 + COMMONTRAILER)
+    output.close()
-    output.write("""
-                code32seg_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
-        }
-        /DISCARD/ : { *(.text*) *(.rodata*) *(.data*) *(.bss*) *(COMMON) }
-    return startat
-# Layout the 32bit flat code.  This places the code as high as possible.
-def doLayout32flat(sections, outname, endat):
-    endat += 0xf0000
-    # Find sections to output
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.text.')
-    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.rodata')
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.data.')
-    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.bss.')
-    startat = getSectionsStart(
-        textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections, endat, 512)
-    # Write sections
-    output = open(outname, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER + """
-        code32flat_start = 0x%x ;
-        .text32flat code32flat_start : {
-""" % startat)
-    outSections(output, textsections)
-    output.write("code32_rodata = . ;\n")
-    outSections(output, rodatasections)
-    outSections(output, datasections)
-    outSections(output, bsssections)
-    output.write("""
-                freespace_start = . ;
-                code32flat_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
-        }
-    return startat
+    # Write 32flat linker script
+    output = open(out32flat, 'wb')
+    output.write(COMMONHEADER
+                 + outXRefs(xref32flat, finallocs, BUILD_BIOS_ADDR) + """
+    code32flat_start = 0x%x ;
+    .text code32flat_start : {
+""" % (locs32flat[0][0])
+                 + outRelSections(locs32flat, 'code32flat_start')
+                 + """
+        . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ;
+        *(.text32seg)
+        . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ;
+        *(.text16)
+        code32flat_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
+    } :text
+""" % (code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, code16_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR)
+                 + COMMONTRAILER
+                 + """
+        text PT_LOAD AT ( code32flat_start ) ;
+    output.close()
 # Section garbage collection
-def getSectionsList(info, names):
-    out = []
-    for i in info[0]:
-        size, align, section = i
-        if section not in names:
-#            print "gc", section
-            continue
-        out.append(i)
-    return out
 # Find and keep the section associated with a symbol (if available).
-def keepsymbol(symbol, infos, pos):
+def keepsymbol(symbol, infos, pos, callerpos=None):
     addr, section = infos[pos][1].get(symbol, (None, None))
     if section is None or '*' in section or section[:9] == '.discard.':
         return -1
+    if callerpos is not None and symbol not in infos[callerpos][4]:
+        # This symbol reference is a cross section reference (an xref).
+        # xref[symbol] = (fileid, section, addr)
+        infos[callerpos][4][symbol] = (pos, section, addr)
     keepsection(section, infos, pos)
     return 0
@@ -298,29 +320,34 @@
         if not ret:
         # Not in primary sections - it may be a cross 16/32 reference
-        ret = keepsymbol(symbol, infos, (pos+1)%3)
+        ret = keepsymbol(symbol, infos, (pos+1)%3, pos)
         if not ret:
-        ret = keepsymbol(symbol, infos, (pos+2)%3)
+        ret = keepsymbol(symbol, infos, (pos+2)%3, pos)
         if not ret:
+# Return a list of kept sections.
+def getSectionsList(sections, names):
+    return [i for i in sections if i[2] in names]
 # Determine which sections are actually referenced and need to be
 # placed into the output file.
 def gc(info16, info32seg, info32flat):
-    # infos = ((sections, symbols, relocs, keep sections), ...)
-    infos = ((info16[0], info16[1], info16[2], []),
-             (info32seg[0], info32seg[1], info32seg[2], []),
-             (info32flat[0], info32flat[1], info32flat[2], []))
+    # infos = ((sections, symbols, relocs, keep sections, xrefs), ...)
+    infos = ((info16[0], info16[1], info16[2], [], {}),
+             (info32seg[0], info32seg[1], info32seg[2], [], {}),
+             (info32flat[0], info32flat[1], info32flat[2], [], {}))
     # Start by keeping sections that are globally visible.
     for size, align, section in info16[0]:
         if section[:11] == '.fixedaddr.' or '.export.' in section:
             keepsection(section, infos)
+    keepsymbol('post32', infos, 0, 2)
     # Return sections found.
-    sections16 = getSectionsList(info16, infos[0][3])
-    sections32seg = getSectionsList(info32seg, infos[1][3])
-    sections32flat = getSectionsList(info32flat, infos[2][3])
-    return sections16, sections32seg, sections32flat
+    keep16 = getSectionsList(info16[0], infos[0][3]), infos[0][4]
+    keep32seg = getSectionsList(info32seg[0], infos[1][3]), infos[1][4]
+    keep32flat = getSectionsList(info32flat[0], infos[2][3]), infos[2][4]
+    return keep16, keep32seg, keep32flat
@@ -331,7 +358,7 @@
 def parseObjDump(file):
     # sections = [(size, align, section), ...]
     sections = []
-    # symbols[symbol] = section
+    # symbols[symbol] = (addr, section)
     symbols = {}
     # relocs[section] = [symbol, ...]
     relocs = {}
@@ -361,8 +388,8 @@
         if state == 'symbol':
-                section, off, symbol = line[17:].split()
-                off = int(off, 16)
+                section, size, symbol = line[17:].split()
+                size = int(size, 16)
                 addr = int(line[:8], 16)
                 symbols[symbol] = addr, section
@@ -381,19 +408,29 @@
     # Get output name
     in16, in32seg, in32flat, out16, out32seg, out32flat = sys.argv[1:]
+    # Read in the objdump information
     infile16 = open(in16, 'rb')
     infile32seg = open(in32seg, 'rb')
     infile32flat = open(in32flat, 'rb')
+    # infoX = (sections, symbols, relocs)
     info16 = parseObjDump(infile16)
     info32seg = parseObjDump(infile32seg)
     info32flat = parseObjDump(infile32flat)
-    sections16, sections32seg, sections32flat = gc(info16, info32seg, info32flat)
+    # Figure out which sections to keep.
+    # keepX = (sections, xrefs)
+    keep16, keep32seg, keep32flat = gc(info16, info32seg, info32flat)
-    start16 = doLayout16(sections16, out16)
-    start32seg = doLayout32seg(sections32seg, out32seg, start16)
-    doLayout32flat(sections32flat, out32flat, start32seg)
+    # Determine the final memory locations of each kept section.
+    # locsX = [(addr, sectioninfo), ...]
+    locs16, locs32seg, locs32flat = doLayout(
+        keep16[0], keep32seg[0], keep32flat[0])
+    # Write out linker script files.
+    writeLinkerScripts(locs16, locs32seg, locs32flat
+                       , keep16[1], keep32seg[1], keep32flat[1]
+                       , out16, out32seg, out32flat)
 if __name__ == '__main__':