Build different final files for QEMU, coreboot, and CSM.

Build out/bios.bin on QEMU, out/bios.bin.elf on coreboot, and
out/Csm16.bin for CSM.  This reduces the chance that one accidentally
builds for an incorrect target.

Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <>
diff --git a/README.CSM b/README.CSM
index ea71846..b904e65 100644
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
 EFI, and the presence of a CSM makes this work as expected too.
 Having built SeaBIOS with CONFIG_CSM, you should be able to drop the
-result into your OVMF build tree at OvmfPkg/Csm/Csm16/Csm16.bin and
-then build OVMF with 'build -D CSM_ENABLE'. The SeaBIOS binary will be
-included as a discrete file within the 'Flash Volume' which is
-created, and there are tools which will extract it and allow it to be
-replaced; satisfying the requirements of the LGPL licence.
+result (out/Csm16.bin) into your OVMF build tree at
+OvmfPkg/Csm/Csm16/Csm16.bin and then build OVMF with 'build -D
+CSM_ENABLE'. The SeaBIOS binary will be included as a discrete file
+within the 'Flash Volume' which is created, and there are tools which
+will extract it and allow it to be replaced; satisfying the
+requirements of the LGPL licence.
 A patch to OVMF is required, to prevent it from marking the region from
 0xC0000-0xFFFFF as read-only before invoking our Legacy16Boot method. See