Add mechanism to declare variables as "low mem" and use for extra stack.

Add a mechanism (VARLOW declaration) to make a variable reside in the
low memory (e-segment) area.  This is useful for runtime variables
that need to be accessed from 16bit code and need to be modifiable
during runtime.

Move the 16bit "extra stack" from the EBDA to the low memory area
using this declaration mechanism.  Also increase the size of this
stack from 512 bytes to 2048 bytes.

This also reworks tools/ a bit.

Signed-off-by: Kevin O'Connor <>
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 86e1f33..1ae7c83 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 # Determine the final addresses for a list of sections that end at an
 # address.
-def setSectionsStart(sections, endaddr, minalign=1):
+def setSectionsStart(sections, endaddr, minalign=1, segoffset=0):
     totspace = 0
     for section in sections:
         if section.align > minalign:
@@ -53,12 +53,14 @@
     for section in sections:
         curaddr = alignpos(curaddr, section.align)
         section.finalloc = curaddr
+        section.finalsegloc = curaddr - segoffset
         curaddr += section.size
-    return startaddr
+    return startaddr, minalign
 # The 16bit code can't exceed 64K of space.
 BUILD_BIOS_ADDR = 0xf0000
 BUILD_BIOS_SIZE = 0x10000
+BUILD_ROM_START = 0xc0000
 # Layout the 16bit code.  This ensures sections with fixed offset
 # requirements are placed in the correct location.  It also places the
@@ -69,7 +71,8 @@
     for section in sections:
             addr = int([11:], 16)
-            section.finalloc = addr
+            section.finalloc = addr + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR
+            section.finalsegloc = addr
             fixedsections.append((addr, section))
             if section.align != 1:
                 print "Error: Fixed section %s has non-zero alignment (%d)" % (
@@ -99,7 +102,7 @@
     canrelocate = [section for size, align, name, section in canrelocate]
     totalused = 0
     for freespace, fixedsection in fixedAddr:
-        addpos = fixedsection.finalloc + fixedsection.size
+        addpos = fixedsection.finalsegloc + fixedsection.size
         totalused += fixedsection.size
         nextfixedaddr = addpos + freespace
 #        print "Filling section %x uses %d, next=%x, available=%d" % (
@@ -122,7 +125,8 @@
             # Found a section that can fit.
             fitnextaddr, fitsection = canfit
-            fitsection.finalloc = addpos
+            fitsection.finalloc = addpos + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR
+            fitsection.finalsegloc = addpos
             addpos = fitnextaddr
             totalused += fitsection.size
 #            print "    Adding %s (size %d align %d) pos=%x avail=%d" % (
@@ -137,68 +141,104 @@
             firstfixed, BUILD_BIOS_SIZE, total, slack,
             (float(slack) / total) * 100.0))
-    return firstfixed
+    return firstfixed + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR
+# Return the subset of sections with a given category
+def getSectionsCategory(sections, category):
+    return [section for section in sections if section.category == category]
 # Return the subset of sections with a given name prefix
-def getSectionsPrefix(sections, category, prefix):
+def getSectionsPrefix(sections, prefix):
     return [section for section in sections
-            if section.category == category and]
+            if]
-def doLayout(sections):
+# The sections (and associated information) to be placed in output rom
+class LayoutInfo:
+    sections16 = sec16_start = sec16_align = None
+    sections32seg = sec32seg_start = sec32seg_align = None
+    sections32flat = sec32flat_start = sec32flat_align = None
+    sections32init = sec32init_start = sec32init_align = None
+    sections32low = sec32low_start = sec32low_align = None
+    datalow_base = None
+# Determine final memory addresses for sections
+def doLayout(sections, genreloc):
+    li = LayoutInfo()
     # Determine 16bit positions
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.text.')
+    li.sections16 = getSectionsCategory(sections, '16')
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.text.')
     rodatasections = (
-        getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.rodata.str1.1')
-        + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.rodata.__func__.')
-        + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.rodata.__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.'))
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.data16.')
-    fixedsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.fixedaddr.')
+        getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.rodata.str1.1')
+        + getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.rodata.__func__.')
+        + getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.rodata.__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.'))
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.data16.')
+    fixedsections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections16, '.fixedaddr.')
     firstfixed = fitSections(fixedsections, textsections)
     remsections = [s for s in textsections+rodatasections+datasections
                    if s.finalloc is None]
-    code16_start = setSectionsStart(remsections, firstfixed)
+    li.sec16_start, li.sec16_align = setSectionsStart(
+        remsections, firstfixed, segoffset=BUILD_BIOS_ADDR)
     # Determine 32seg positions
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.text.')
+    li.sections32seg = getSectionsCategory(sections, '32seg')
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32seg, '.text.')
     rodatasections = (
-        getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.rodata.str1.1')
-        + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.rodata.__func__.')
-        + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.rodata.__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.'))
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.data32seg.')
+        getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32seg, '.rodata.str1.1')
+        + getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32seg, '.rodata.__func__.')
+        + getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32seg, '.rodata.__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.'))
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32seg, '.data32seg.')
-    code32seg_start = setSectionsStart(
-        textsections + rodatasections + datasections, code16_start)
+    li.sec32seg_start, li.sec32seg_align = setSectionsStart(
+        textsections + rodatasections + datasections, li.sec16_start
+        , segoffset=BUILD_BIOS_ADDR)
     # Determine 32flat runtime positions
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.text.')
-    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.rodata')
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.data.')
-    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.bss.')
+    li.sections32flat = getSectionsCategory(sections, '32flat')
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32flat, '.text.')
+    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32flat, '.rodata')
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32flat, '.data.')
+    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32flat, '.bss.')
-    code32flat_start = setSectionsStart(
+    li.sec32flat_start, li.sec32flat_align = setSectionsStart(
         textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections
-        , code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, 16)
+        , li.sec32seg_start, 16)
     # Determine 32flat init positions
-    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.text.')
-    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.rodata')
-    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.data.')
-    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.bss.')
+    li.sections32init = getSectionsCategory(sections, '32init')
+    textsections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32init, '.text.')
+    rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32init, '.rodata')
+    datasections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32init, '.data.')
+    bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(li.sections32init, '.bss.')
-    code32init_start = setSectionsStart(
+    li.sec32init_start, li.sec32init_align = setSectionsStart(
         textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections
-        , code32flat_start, 16)
+        , li.sec32flat_start, 16)
+    # Determine "low memory" data positions
+    li.sections32low = getSectionsCategory(sections, '32low')
+    if genreloc:
+        sec32low_top = li.sec32init_start
+        datalow_base = min(BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, li.sec32flat_start) - 64*1024
+    else:
+        sec32low_top = min(BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, li.sec32init_start)
+        datalow_base = sec32low_top - 64*1024
+    li.datalow_base = max(BUILD_ROM_START, alignpos(datalow_base, 2*1024))
+    li.sec32low_start, li.sec32low_align = setSectionsStart(
+        li.sections32low, sec32low_top, 16, segoffset=li.datalow_base)
     # Print statistics
-    size16 = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE - code16_start
-    size32seg = code16_start - code32seg_start
-    size32flat = code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR - code32flat_start
-    size32init = code32flat_start - code32init_start
+    size16 = BUILD_BIOS_ADDR + BUILD_BIOS_SIZE - li.sec16_start
+    size32seg = li.sec16_start - li.sec32seg_start
+    size32flat = li.sec32seg_start - li.sec32flat_start
+    size32init = li.sec32flat_start - li.sec32init_start
+    sizelow = sec32low_top - li.sec32low_start
     print "16bit size:           %d" % size16
     print "32bit segmented size: %d" % size32seg
     print "32bit flat size:      %d" % size32flat
     print "32bit flat init size: %d" % size32init
+    print "Lowmem size:          %d" % sizelow
+    return li
@@ -206,7 +246,7 @@
 # Write LD script includes for the given cross references
-def outXRefs(sections):
+def outXRefs(sections, useseg=0):
     xrefs = {}
     out = ""
     for section in sections:
@@ -218,162 +258,155 @@
                 or reloc.symbolname in xrefs):
             xrefs[reloc.symbolname] = 1
-            addr = symbol.section.finalloc + symbol.offset
-            if (section.fileid == '32flat'
-                and symbol.section.fileid in ('16', '32seg')):
-                addr += BUILD_BIOS_ADDR
-            out += "%s = 0x%x ;\n" % (reloc.symbolname, addr)
+            loc = symbol.section.finalloc
+            if useseg:
+                loc = symbol.section.finalsegloc
+            out += "%s = 0x%x ;\n" % (reloc.symbolname, loc + symbol.offset)
     return out
 # Write LD script includes for the given sections using relative offsets
-def outRelSections(sections, startsym):
+def outRelSections(sections, startsym, useseg=0):
+    sections = [(section.finalloc, section) for section in sections
+                if section.finalloc is not None]
+    sections.sort()
     out = ""
-    for section in sections:
-        out += ". = ( 0x%x - %s ) ;\n" % (section.finalloc, startsym)
+    for addr, section in sections:
+        loc = section.finalloc
+        if useseg:
+            loc = section.finalsegloc
+        out += ". = ( 0x%x - %s ) ;\n" % (loc, startsym)
         if == '.rodata.str1.1':
             out += "_rodata = . ;\n"
         out += "*(%s)\n" % (,)
     return out
-def getSectionsFile(sections, fileid, defaddr=0):
-    sections = [(section.finalloc, section)
-                for section in sections if section.fileid == fileid]
-    sections.sort()
-    sections = [section for addr, section in sections]
-    pos = defaddr
-    if sections:
-        pos = sections[0].finalloc
-    return sections, pos
+# Build linker script output for a list of relocations.
+def strRelocs(outname, outrel, relocs):
+    relocs.sort()
+    return ("        %s_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" % (outname,)
+            + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - %s)\n" % (pos, outrel)
+                       for pos in relocs])
+            + "        %s_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" % (outname,))
-# Layout the 32bit segmented code.  This places the code as high as possible.
-def writeLinkerScripts(sections, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat):
+# Find all relocations in the given sections with the given attributes
+def getRelocs(sections, type=None, category=None, notcategory=None):
+    out = []
+    for section in sections:
+        for reloc in section.relocs:
+            if reloc.symbol.section is None:
+                continue
+            destcategory = reloc.symbol.section.category
+            if ((type is None or reloc.type == type)
+                and (category is None or destcategory == category)
+                and (notcategory is None or destcategory != notcategory)):
+                out.append(section.finalloc + reloc.offset)
+    return out
+# Return the start address and minimum alignment for a set of sections
+def getSectionsStart(sections, defaddr=0):
+    return min([section.finalloc for section in sections
+                if section.finalloc is not None] or [defaddr])
+# Output the linker scripts for all required sections.
+def writeLinkerScripts(li, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat):
     # Write 16bit linker script
-    sections16, code16_start = getSectionsFile(sections, '16')
-    output = open(out16, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(sections16) + """
+    out = outXRefs(li.sections16, useseg=1) + """
+    _datalow_base = 0x%x ;
+    _datalow_seg = 0x%x ;
     code16_start = 0x%x ;
     .text16 code16_start : {
-""" % (code16_start)
-                 + outRelSections(sections16, 'code16_start')
-                 + """
-                 + COMMONTRAILER)
-    output.close()
+""" % (li.datalow_base,
+       li.datalow_base / 16,
+       li.sec16_start - BUILD_BIOS_ADDR,
+       outRelSections(li.sections16, 'code16_start', useseg=1))
+    outfile = open(out16, 'wb')
+    outfile.write(COMMONHEADER + out + COMMONTRAILER)
+    outfile.close()
     # Write 32seg linker script
-    sections32seg, code32seg_start = getSectionsFile(
-        sections, '32seg', code16_start)
-    output = open(out32seg, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(sections32seg) + """
+    out = outXRefs(li.sections32seg, useseg=1) + """
     code32seg_start = 0x%x ;
     .text32seg code32seg_start : {
-""" % (code32seg_start)
-                 + outRelSections(sections32seg, 'code32seg_start')
-                 + """
-                 + COMMONTRAILER)
-    output.close()
+""" % (li.sec32seg_start - BUILD_BIOS_ADDR,
+       outRelSections(li.sections32seg, 'code32seg_start', useseg=1))
+    outfile = open(out32seg, 'wb')
+    outfile.write(COMMONHEADER + out + COMMONTRAILER)
+    outfile.close()
     # Write 32flat linker script
-    sections32flat, code32flat_start = getSectionsFile(
-        sections, '32flat', code32seg_start)
+    sections32all = li.sections32flat + li.sections32init + li.sections32low
+    sec32all_start = li.sec32low_start
+    entrysympos = entrysym.section.finalloc + entrysym.offset
     relocstr = ""
-    relocminalign = 0
     if genreloc:
         # Generate relocations
-        relocstr, size, relocminalign = genRelocs(sections)
-        code32flat_start -= size
-    output = open(out32flat, 'wb')
-    output.write(COMMONHEADER
-                 + outXRefs(sections32flat) + """
+        absrelocs = getRelocs(
+            li.sections32init, type='R_386_32', category='32init')
+        relrelocs = getRelocs(
+            li.sections32init, type='R_386_PC32', notcategory='32init')
+        initrelocs = getRelocs(
+            li.sections32flat + li.sections32low + li.sections16
+            + li.sections32seg, category='32init')
+        lowrelocs = getRelocs(
+            li.sections16 + li.sections32seg + sections32all, category='32low')
+        relocstr = (strRelocs("_reloc_abs", "code32init_start", absrelocs)
+                    + strRelocs("_reloc_rel", "code32init_start", relrelocs)
+                    + strRelocs("_reloc_init", "code32flat_start", initrelocs)
+                    + strRelocs("_reloc_datalow", "code32flat_start", lowrelocs))
+        numrelocs = len(absrelocs + relrelocs + initrelocs + lowrelocs)
+        sec32all_start -= numrelocs * 4
+    out = outXRefs(sections32all) + """
     %s = 0x%x ;
     _reloc_min_align = 0x%x ;
+    _datalow_min_align = 0x%x ;
     code32flat_start = 0x%x ;
     .text code32flat_start : {
-""" % (,
-       entrysym.section.finalloc + entrysym.offset + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR,
-       relocminalign, code32flat_start)
-                 + relocstr
-                 + """
+        datalow_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
+        datalow_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
         code32init_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
-                 + outRelSections(getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '32init', '')
-                                  , 'code32flat_start')
-                 + """
         code32init_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
-                 + outRelSections(getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '32flat', '')
-                                  , 'code32flat_start')
-                 + """
         . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ;
         . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ;
         code32flat_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;
     } :text
-""" % (code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, code16_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR)
-                 + COMMONTRAILER
-                 + """
+""" % (, entrysympos,
+       li.sec32init_align,
+       li.sec32low_align,
+       sec32all_start,
+       relocstr,
+       outRelSections(li.sections32low, 'code32flat_start'),
+       outRelSections(li.sections32init, 'code32flat_start'),
+       outRelSections(li.sections32flat, 'code32flat_start'),
+       li.sec32seg_start,
+       li.sec16_start)
+    out = COMMONHEADER + out + COMMONTRAILER + """
         text PT_LOAD AT ( code32flat_start ) ;
-""" % (,))
-    output.close()
+""" % (,)
+    outfile = open(out32flat, 'wb')
+    outfile.write(out)
+    outfile.close()
 # Detection of init code
-# Determine init section relocations
-def genRelocs(sections):
-    absrelocs = []
-    relrelocs = []
-    initrelocs = []
-    minalign = 16
-    for section in sections:
-        if section.category == '32init' and section.align > minalign:
-            minalign = section.align
-        for reloc in section.relocs:
-            symbol = reloc.symbol
-            if symbol.section is None:
-                continue
-            relocpos = section.finalloc + reloc.offset
-            if (reloc.type == 'R_386_32' and section.category == '32init'
-                and symbol.section.category == '32init'):
-                # Absolute relocation
-                absrelocs.append(relocpos)
-            elif (reloc.type == 'R_386_PC32' and section.category == '32init'
-                  and symbol.section.category != '32init'):
-                # Relative relocation
-                relrelocs.append(relocpos)
-            elif (section.category != '32init'
-                  and symbol.section.category == '32init'):
-                # Relocation to the init section
-                if section.fileid in ('16', '32seg'):
-                    relocpos += BUILD_BIOS_ADDR
-                initrelocs.append(relocpos)
-    absrelocs.sort()
-    relrelocs.sort()
-    initrelocs.sort()
-    out = ("        _reloc_abs_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n"
-           + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32init_start)\n" % (pos,)
-                      for pos in absrelocs])
-           + "        _reloc_abs_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n"
-           + "        _reloc_rel_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n"
-           + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32init_start)\n" % (pos,)
-                      for pos in relrelocs])
-           + "        _reloc_rel_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n"
-           + "        _reloc_init_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n"
-           + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32flat_start)\n" % (pos,)
-                      for pos in initrelocs])
-           + "        _reloc_init_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n")
-    return out, len(absrelocs + relrelocs + initrelocs) * 4, minalign
 def markRuntime(section, sections):
     if (section is None or not section.keep or section.category is not None
         or '.init.' in or section.fileid != '32flat'):
@@ -386,7 +419,8 @@
 def findInit(sections):
     # Recursively find and mark all "runtime" sections.
     for section in sections:
-        if '.runtime.' in or '.export.' in
+        if ('.datalow.' in or '.runtime.' in
+            or '.export.' in
             markRuntime(section, sections)
     for section in sections:
         if section.category is not None:
@@ -468,7 +502,7 @@
 class Section:
     name = size = alignment = fileid = relocs = None
-    finalloc = category = keep = None
+    finalloc = finalsegloc = category = keep = None
 class Reloc:
     offset = type = symbolname = symbol = None
 class Symbol:
@@ -571,13 +605,17 @@
     # Separate 32bit flat into runtime and init parts
+    # Note "low memory" parts
+    for section in getSectionsPrefix(sections, '.datalow.'):
+        section.category = '32low'
     # Determine the final memory locations of each kept section.
-    doLayout(sections)
+    genreloc = '_reloc_abs_start' in info32flat[1]
+    li = doLayout(sections, genreloc)
     # Write out linker script files.
     entrysym = info16[1]['entry_elf']
-    genreloc = '_reloc_abs_start' in info32flat[1]
-    writeLinkerScripts(sections, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat)
+    writeLinkerScripts(li, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat)
 if __name__ == '__main__':